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  1. Hi, Requesting a Galvek kill on my iron - have decent gear and stats, but no access to antifire or ranging pots, so it's kinda aids. Also have diamond bolts(e) for the last phase. 86 range 75 def (super def pots available) 92 hp Sharks for food, also have ppots if necessary. Please let me know if you can do this, this quest is driving me insane.
  2. That was probably it, thanks for the quick response, otherwise the bot has been flawless, enjoying it a lot!
  3. Pretty sure this is a bug, but the bot isn't switching attack styles for me. It can't magic shortbow spec, it will just click on my prayer page where the spec bar is, isn't hitting the combat tab to switch. It also can't switch on salamanders, same issue, it's clicker where the box is supposed to be but it isn't clicking the combat style page first so it's not switching. Working good otherwise. And yes I've set the combat styles properly on the salamander/shortbow. Also having this problem on my client.
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