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Robin Williams

Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Robin Williams

  1. Hey man Yeah I researched the origins last night and apparently the book and movie were inspired by one of the Fritzl children who was called jack I really liked the movie for the first hour but after that it seemed like they were dragging it out lol But yeah it's a very thought provoking concept I just wish they'd done a bit more with it ? Almost nothing happens in the last 50 minutes of the movie, the woman just tries to kill herself but survives and they visit the room, was really pointless imo. Btw, thank you for keeping it related to the OP, this was the kind of input I was looking for.
  2. I watched it because someone on the JRE or H3H3 podcast said it was good. I thought it was okay but the last 50 minutes was unnecessary it was like they finished the movie too short and had to add 50 minutes of random bs to fill it out. Had a lot of potential to be an epic movie too it's a shame, anyone else seen it? What did you think? **This is not for post count as some idiot suggested in the comments, I genuinely wanted to see if anybody watched this movie and how they found it, I figured maybe someone saw the same podcast and then watched the movie like I did***
  3. To be safe I'd recommend you >only buy off people who are extremely trusted >make your own account and pay people to do services on it >buy an account from PA from one of the highly trusted Chinese sellers (will cost more than on botting forums) But in any case the mods here are very strict on scamming, you can read back through the dispute archives to see how scams have been dealt with historically. This is a cool example where the scammer didn't respond to the dispute so he/she was banned.
  4. It's case by case basis, usually this happens though: >Buyer makes a dispute thread >Mods place accused user in TWC (Trade With Caution badge under name) > Accused user responds > Mods usually give them the option to refund or be banned > Accused user either refunds or gets banned and usually keeps the TWC status But like I said it is case by case and theres lots of variables, usually though if someone scams they will be asked to provide a refund and if that doesn't happen they are banned.
  5. Can I import a bike like this to the UK and insure it? https://www.alibaba.com/product-detail/168-2013-EURO-4-2200W-motor_60624177993.html?spm=a2700.7724838.2017115.60.4efb2c1fgyyior Or would I need to send it off for tests and stuff?
  6. Hopefully he says all 1 I used recoils only Then would like to see this guys response ?
  7. 5M max for a botted 60/60/60
  8. Humor is subjective, many of us found this funny and thought the lyrics were great. I think your opinion is garbage.
  9. If you wanna pay 3M for quests like Romeo and Juliet, buy from Racozy You have 26 pages of bumps with 0 customers, you need to lower your prices, realistically those quests should be about 300k - 500k each, 1.5m - 2.5m total. 16m is like 10 x the fair price.
  10. How much weed do you smoke per day? 1:45 A load 2:27 Young Good lyrics though some of them made me laugh lol
  11. I can do 60 acounts @ 400k ea Would use Runelite as requested. Can't go any lower, this is literally $2 per hour. ? If you wanted a fresh IP for every account i'd do 60 accounts at 1m each Pm me if interested
  12. Updated thread, small orders are only 1M each!
  13. Made the all CAPITAL one and also one with mixed case, hope one of them is good for you. Please PM me your discord
  14. I will be asking a moderator to close this thread as I have put it in the wrong section. I have made a new thread in the appropriate section here: Thank you and sorry for any confusion.
  15. Probably wanted to automate his cow killing activities. Making fun at the expense of new users?
  16. Wrong section bud, post it here and someone will take care of you: https://osbot.org/forum/forum/150-refund-requests/ Also, I highly recommend this script: It can kill most monsters in the game and bank at most banks, also supports an array of teleport methods and various walking paths for if one gets stuck. I believe if you go to the forum post you can get a free 24/h trial.
  17. Yes - Hope you like it: **If you want this without the watermark I will do it for 1M ** I will be closing this thread soon, as I put it in the wrong section. Please feel free to PM me on Osbot or post on the new thread here: To buy this GIF or for future orders. ^^
  18. I thought these days you could autotune autistic screeching into Ellie Goulding lol
  19. Examples & Previous Orders: Feedback: Disclaimer: *** I'm not the best, so don't expect me to paint the mona lisa! I will however do very low prices and your order will reflect the quality of the examples above***
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