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Trade With Caution
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About karim8

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  1. really i talk in private with you about my private life and irl life and u post this on the website? this isnt scamming i already told you the story... thanks for posting this really dude u are really bad in the inside
  2. you are an good firecaper i see lol gl me to get my service up
  3. well lucy named stan is picking my customers off and telling customers i am an scammer and i even havent did an order yet so how the hell could i be an scammer hes picking my customers off and lurers them at his service il post some proof in here heres proof 1 as he says in here you are never going to get orders: well he started off on my service by clicking my poll and my poll says was my service good or bad? and he clicked bad to show that i dont have an good service heres proof 2
  4. yes its a populair botting locating if i was you i shouldnt use it
  5. nty lol inb4 permanent ban and no 2 days ban first i dont want that, i want to make sure i dont get perm ban instantly...
  6. so what is botting smart? like? 10hrs a day botting with like 2 breaks? idk explain pls to me
  7. ive botted al0t of hrs maybe 100 yeah more then 4m xp in in 7days can someone help me? ive never been banned before im botting nmz now ive botted almost 4m xp do i get permantly banned? and is nmz an know botting spot?
  8. but i am botting at nightmarezone is it detectable there? and im scared of an permanent ban do u gusy think il receive one?
  9. hello guys ive been the past week botting really hard 10hrs a day i botted 89-94 str 80-85 att 81-85 def 55-70 agility how is it possible that i stil didnt got banned yet? and ive never got banned yet so if i do get banned i receive an 2 day ban i suppose?
  10. omfg nice man good guide u shud make more oh nvm banned
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