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  1. ImNoxy

    Fruity NMZ

    Spoke too soon, got hit with a temp ban. Thanks @Fruity your script still got me to where I want to be Time to play legit and potentially build another account up on a proxy.
  2. This seems to be broken and causes errors in the log when I have this enabled as well. Also @Czar - The script doesn't seem to attack NPC's when cannoning? Only relies on auto retaliate, not too sure what's up with that? Cheers.
  3. ImNoxy

    Fruity NMZ

    Still going strong at NMZ, no issues here, take precautions, bot as if it were you playing.
  4. Why does the bot rely on auto retaliate half of the time? It won't actually attack the NPC, only relies on the cannon. Task: Bloodvelds.
  5. Why do I constantly run into the problem of the bot trying to suicide? Slayer dungeon, bloodvelds, it will run into aberrant specters miles away to die, black demons, it will run the greater demons outside of my safespot tile and sit there? Constant problem with tasks.
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