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  1. Anything overnight is a no go. Bad move.
  2. No-one can answer you for sure whether or not your IP is logged. My guess is that, once a ban occurs for a certain IP address, that IP will be logged and your potential for a future ban on a newer account is probably a lot higher.
  3. I think the appeal of this method is that it's very fucking simple. Hard to argue the case that either method is safer but I prefer doing it this way with the 99s you can get through this method.
  4. Ha, good to see you back on another project my man. Was following the last one and crafted a method that worked pretty good for me too. If you don't your PC to be totally unusable when you're doing this guys, and you have another monitor, install a VM on your system. You can then have your recordings run all on a secondary monitor whilst you chill/work/play another game even on your main PC. Really the only way I like to run this kinda setup. Anyone need any info on this, just ask.
  5. Just hang up the cheating boots, unless that's the only fun part? Ha
  6. Ah! Fuck dude. Sorry to hear that, even if you stopped auto'ing, the gains were unreal. GG either way!
  7. Does the script support using items to kill mobs? (ice cooler - desert lizard etc.) Thanks!
  8. Going of what he has been saying and personal experience, as long as you have enough recordings, all varying in length, and vary which recording you run, as long as you really want I would say. Within reason.
  9. Surely levelling up would interrupt your recordings? if you were banking for example? How have you gone about mining as well (Random timings etc.)? Thanks for all the insight.
  10. Another question, I assume you are babysitting everything? How are you going about when you level up?
  11. Cool. What VM are you using? VirtualBox?
  12. Ah that's why he was in LA? Would be a mad team for Philly. Embiid tweeted about the Lakers belonging to Magic and Kobe... Assumed he was throwing shade at Bron's movements..
  13. He will be at the Lakers in about a week I reckon. I can't see them doing much though. Unless they land Kawhi and he is prepared to go to work...
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