Welll "bruh" it is atleast 54 ores in the sac, and i use the extended bag sac, it never use to do that until this week, been using since 60 mining, now 95..
idk if this is only happening to me but i cannot get the script to start by the bank it just stands there once i start the script. when i start it by the fishing spots then itll fish but when it goes back to bank it get stuck again(fishing sharks and lobs in catherby, and also tried salmon north of cammy)
I have an issue with this script, at times, after a break.. it would just stand next to the sack and not move one second. wake up to check on it. 10k / hour of exp so that means its beeen running like that for a good minute.. super annoying happens all the time. I am not using mirrored mode btw