Hi, I'm currently using another client (It removed the name of the client I am using) and having issues with their scripts and I wanted to ask a few questions before I switch over to osbot.
1) From looking over the scripts I really liked the look of most of them and it seemed they are higher quality coding and updated fairly often, I was wondering if anyone had any issues with scripts not being updated or anything I should look out for?
2) Looking at the client I didn't see a way to full screen, is this possible?
3) I also didn't see any proxy settings, I'm sure there are but I might of missed it.
4) Would I have any issues running my client from more than 1 IP?
5) With the mirror mode would I still be able to use my KB/Mouse or does it take control of them?
6) I forgot what other questions I had, any info I should know about the client or scripts before switching over?
7) Kinda a weird question but say I was to get vip and upgrade to sponsor would I be able to keep the purple name? ?