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  1. UPDATE Slight design improvement Added a lot more words, bit of a shitty method but will work for now Added few more pages in preparation for... AUTO ACCOUNT CREATOR I am currently in a process of developing a chrome extension to automatically create the accounts that have been generated by the web app, no ETA right now but as soon as it will be available i will release it to the public EXTENSION WILL BE OPEN SOURCE!
  2. Download of what? You just have to go on the website and generate the credentials and then you can copy & paste Download as a .txt file isn't yet implemented.
  3. UPDATE Bank pin support added I guess slight design improvement (hate designing)
  4. Oh, didn't actually know that, thanks for the info. Will change it to lowercase soon for the next update for the simplicity sake.
  5. Hey, there. I am in the process of learning some webdev and so i decided to create something quick and easy that could help the community. This simple web app will generate you OSBot CLI compatible "username:password", you can also add your custom email suffix to mass create accounts with a service like 33mail. Website: http://jsaraks.com/ Todo: 1. Chrome extension to auto register accounts Any feedback or suggestions you have i would be very glad to hear
  6. I am currently not really focused on rs scripting, school and work etc, but i hope to find some time later on to look into it, but that would probably require the whole script to be rewritten, i couldn't figure out why it does that, nothing really made sense there.
  7. Different mouse movements than with it being off. Osbot team is attempting to battle the detection system of jagex as much as possible, and so they are attempting to change the mouse algo, (afaik it actually hasn't been confirmed whether it affects ban rates or no, and whether jagex even detects mouse movements.) I personally haven't really noticed any difference when i used it.
  8. Hey, hey! Script updated! Should also soon hopefully be on the SDN! aDough v1.1 Added: Bot now sells the empty pots that are left over from making the dough. "Dough made" counter. Fixed: Fixed issue where it would withdraw flour and then just stand still. Low CPU mode should now work, and doesn't brick the whole script (The script does act iffy still with it sometimes, but it corrects itself now) Download: https://github.com/LagerLV/pastry_dough_bot/releases/tag/v1.1 Also, i don't know if this is allowed, but i am selling an auto muling version of this script, ready for mass f2p account spam, PM for that
  9. No one is going to tell you here what works for them and what doesn't, no one wants to lose profit. That being said, if you want to avoid bans you generally want to play like a real player would, e.g appropriate breaks, appropriate bot times, good scripts that don't get stuck and more.
  10. Yup, every once in a while it happens that it gets stuck somehow... With Stealth injection and low cpu mode off it didnt get stuck the whole time i tested ir (3hrs) With low cpu mode it got stuck in like 10 min for me. Overall i will try and rewrite it in the next few days, since i have gotten used to the GE API more now.
  11. GE replenishment could use some work though, still figuring out the GE api but i need to setup condSleeps until the ingredients have actually bought... Also auto get the ingredient price and up it a bit so it insta buys.
  12. aDough v1.1 Download (Including source code): https://github.com/LagerLV/pastry_dough_bot/releases/tag/v1.1 Makes pastry dough and automatically sells / replenishes ingredients in the GE. It can be done with a restricted F2P account and can manually be muled by PKing the bot in Wilderness. Makes about 120-140k / hr How to Start: Start almost anywhere, the bot should walk (Not from Karamja though). Have some GP in bank or inventory (Recommended at least 25k). Recommended to setup break if you want to bot for a while Details: Walks to GE using webWalk Buys the required ingredients with GP it finds in both inventory and bank. Starts making the dough. Once ingredients are empty it will sell the dough and buy more ingredients. Possible future updates: More detailed paint (Dough made, GP made etc.) A GUI to set amount of dough you want to make Use of condition sleeps until ingredients bought (still learning GE api ) And more... How to add the script to OSbot: Download the .jar file and put it in your OSbot Scripts folder. C:\Users\*YOUR ACCOUNT NAME*\OSBot\Scripts THIS SCRIPT IS NOT WRITTEN BY A PRO I am quite a new person to scripting and possible inefficiencies / errors are to be expected! This is/was my 2nd written script ever, any constructive criticism on the code would be appreciated. (And yes i know it is quite hectic...) If you encounter any bugs please make sure to forward that to me so i can attempt to fix! Also i have added some comments to the code for some people new to scripting to understand it a bit better.
  13. Yes, and as @Rick said, those are not bans.
  14. ExitLag = VPN It's literally a VPN but that connects to the closest server that also has good routing to your end destination server, in order to attempt to lower ping. So if you are fine with botting with VPN IP addresses then you are good to go to use this, but there are better alternatives than paying this amount of money for ExitLag.
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