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Valiant One

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Posts posted by Valiant One

  1. 9 hours ago, Vivezo said:

    I wasnt using a vpn, i seem to be able to bot for approximately 20 hrs with a " flagged ip " before the ban hammer, tbh if i ran 10 accounts, hit 60 in them 10 hours easily, have another 10 hours x 10 accounts = 100 hours of yew botting per day 
    only effort i have to put in is selling 200 regular logs to get enough for a rune axe ?

    Or just do general stores for 20 hours ? .

  2. An algorithm does the job and the more flags you have the more compute they are going to put on you. IE limit your flags and have an antipattern good enough to delay your ban as long as possible.
    They very much do have resources to monitor all those people and they are getting better at it. Sadly for us. Getting banned now is only matter of time.

  3. 3 hours ago, OELABOELA2 said:

    Would be possible if they'd stop locking my accounts after 1 or 2 hours >.<

    There has to be something wrong with your process, try changing HWID/spoof mac/wiping all runescape data or even resetting your VM/consider changing proxy provider/your script may be really bad (but imho no script locks after 1h)

  4. IMO not worth on f2p there is such a small profit margin that if you are using a VPS you want to exploit it to the fullest and actually even electricity on an owned physical PC may become some concern at this point. Just suicide on f2p.

  5. Pretty sure 80 mage would go for 20 mills alone from reputable seller because of how expensive mage and time taking is for zulrah acc makers. Of course it would have to be 100% manual. If this 99 mage is botted then yeah 20mil.

  6. https://surviv.io/


    Very fun game that actually has some tactical depth to it. Being actually probably only battle royale that my PC run, naturally I play the hell out of it.
    Has a nice variety of weapons, underground levels and of course infamous airdrops where you always get killed by a camper ?

    You can play alone, with a friend, or with 3 friends. I'd recommend this game to almost anyone. If someone is up for a game please post. I'm available during Europe daytime.

    Some tips:
    -Vest is very important. Going from no vest to vest 1 is bigger leap than from v1 to v3. You are almost always going to get trashed without a vest unless you fight with someone that also has no vest
    -Helmets work like vests but during critical hits. Therefore its also important to grab a helmet even if its just tier 1
    -Loot early on. Use commotion of the combat to your advantage. Screen yourself with smoke grenades/smoke from fire alarms. If you see someone emerging victorious from a fight, shoot them in the back and seize his stuff. Where two people fight, the third man profits.
    -In duos and squads try not to finish off fallen enemies. Wait for their friends to come and when they are busy resurrecting finish blast them both. Cruel but effective.
    -Aim ahead of where your target is, in the direction of their movement
    -You can hide in the trees, but you are still slightly visible there. Unless you find dense space between two trees or enter a bush and hide your weapon.
    -Cook your grenades, it's risky but when done right it will KO people instantly
    -As i said before be careful when going for an airdrop, combination of smoke and frag grenades will be helpful here. However someone has to remove metal wrapping of the drop first for the grenades to break the box completely
    -The docks is hardest spawn but you can loot rapidly by throwing blowing up gas barrels near multiple crates. Don't be afraid to retreat when you have enough loot especially if you see the golden container has been emptied. It always spawns an 8x scope an SV sniper rifle. And 30-50% of the time the sniper is still waiting for a prey there.

  7. 2 minutes ago, forenx said:

    Not worried about the loss, just worried that something is for sale that is a guaranteed ban. A little odd. If I was worried about loss I wouldn't bot, but it doesn't mean I can't try to understand the reason behind some things. 

    then just give them a bad review lol laissez faire man

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