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Everything posted by Neurodes

  1. hey ever since the update the bot gets stuck to going to shortcuts when your inventory is full with dark essence at blood runes at arceuus
  2. Do you think we can get an update on the green dragons plugin with the wilderness slayer cave and the loot?
  3. ever since the update, the stronghold security plugin wont work for my pure and it wont attack anything the area
  4. For gargoyles the only way to loot them is to have it not have loot only your kill since I think the gargyole smasher is making it not count as your kill when they are about to die from like 5 hp. For wyrms it wont loot anything till you have it not loot only your own kill. I love this script some much and it gotten me to 100 combat and high slayer keep up the good work czar
  5. Anyone having a problem with safe spotting like after looting, it will attack an npc and not will not click back to the assigned safe spot at all making it face tank npcs
  6. I deleted OSbot, all user settings and folders and reinstalled. It's working now.
  7. I log in to my character, start up Perfect Fighter. Select a monster, and start. Nothing happens. The bot says calculating and does nothing. I've used Perfect Fighter for months with multiple different options enabled so I know how to use it. Included is an example pic. I set it to attack the Scorpions and it's not doing anything. I've tried at other places as well.
  8. Is Perfect Fighter going to be updated? It won't work for me. Stick at Calculating and won't fight.
  9. Think the bot is broken now. It will kill like 10-40 npcs and it gets stuck, wont move at all and wont pick up loot. really annoyed that i have to baby sit it to do my slayer
  10. Bot wont high alch items upon looting them, even when the high alch option is ticked. Also the bot will spam click bones to peaches tabs that are in your inventory even if you dont have that option toggled
  11. Guthans is broken. It'll equip, get health, then not switch back to my normal armor. Also, for the life of me I can't get the bot to work at Gargoyles. I can get it to work literally EVERYWHERE, except here. 1/4 times it'll leave loot on the ground and someone else will pick it up. That's not good.
  12. Is there a way to get the script to attack NPCs that others are fighting in multi combat? Currently it won't attack anything that is already being attacked by someone else. Even though it's multi combat. As an example, Moss Giants in Varrock Sewer.
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