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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by SpritexCodeine

  1. SpritexCodeine


    not sure why we need a new skill with all these new boss's and area's being released every other month
  2. PM'd, still looking for someone until he replies
  3. Looking for someone to train 2 of my fresh ironman accounts (15 wcing, 15 fming so far) I need the following: Clue hunter outfit (at least 3-4 pieces) 500 normal Cakes from ardounge 15-50 firemaking Done by hand, please post offers below. I will make the accounts p2p when the firemaking is achieved
  4. Looking for someone to get my ironman 60-77 crafting, main method would be buying ash/buckets of sand from charter and making molten glass unless you have another method. has to be done by hand as acc already has a 2 day ban. Let me know prices below, leave contact method
  5. I'd be interested in doing this for you, out of curiosity why are we buying the bond?
  6. I am in need of a full fishing trawler outfit, must be done by hand as I already have a 2 day ban on the account. Ironman, 1 defence with 80 fishing. PM/post offers and discord info below
  7. Still taking offers, looking for 300K per clue but willing to negotiate
  8. Looking for someone to do 50-100 easy clues on my ironman pure, has all teles needed to complete the cluesc has to be hand done. Post offeres with contact method below
  9. What I need on a fresh Ironman: 1-50 firemaking Clue Hunter Outfit 750 Cakes post offers below with contact or PM
  10. been using team viewer forever, always like it. Other than putting my desktop on "lock" after closing the app it works great.
  11. I get banned right away now in 2018!!!!
  12. 250m +/- i've sold one of my maxed pures very similar for about 225M in $$
  13. still looking for someone, preferably someone who won't drop the pay-dirt and then charge me another 5M to get it back will add you on discord shortly
  14. Why +5M for bag when 50-70 would most likely get enough nuggets?
  15. Need someone to train my ironman with rune pickaxe from 50 mining to 70 banking all ores and using nuggets on a coal bag. PM if interested with prices or post below discord
  16. My main account had a 2 day ban and it expired, i started botting hunting pretty bad and got perm banned.
  17. I'd be interested in working with you for NMZ, i work 9 hours a day and am able to NMZ while my shift.
  18. even on my iphone 6 the layout is sloppy sometimes
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