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  • Location:
    Jacking it in San Diego
  • Interests
    Surfing, botting, Gym's house.

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Newbie (1/10)



  1. @Czar I built the entire account through the proxy and didn't start botting the account until I hand trained 55 magic, as well as completed all the f2p quest as well as Monkey Madness. I typically stay hidden or bank standing GE in Full worlds. The bot was ran after an update, but I took the time and waited 2 days before attempting to play on it again. I believe the proxy might of just been dirty.
  2. -- I received a first offense perm ban today on an account that only ran this script. I ran the script for about 1-2 hours a day after 5pm my time, with a 45 minute break in between each season. The last thing I ran was the Spashing/Alch for 30 minutes in which I babysat for the entire time. I run OSBot off of a proxy, and it's possible that the Proxy's IP might of been flagged from prior users of that IP, even though I only ran this account off that proxy. Not too worried about it though, because the account took me just a week to create. I'm almost 80% sure that the proxy was bad, but this is just a heads up. I'll refresh the proxy's IP address and attempt another session on another account. Thank you for the awesome script though!
  3. Zvango

    Fruity NMZ

    Welp, Today was the last day I'll bot on this script for a bit until things calm down. Seems like a lot of bans are being handed out. I just finished a 3 hour session, i'll have to see if my account gets manually banned on Monday or not. Wish me luck!
  4. Zvango

    Fruity NMZ

    Heya, I bought the script a few months back and I'm just now getting around to trying it out and I had a quick question. Is there any methods or settings to adding additional levels of 'not getting caught,' while using this script? Besides mirror mode, and not running the script 24/7, what would you recommend?
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