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Everything posted by vezat

  1. I would really like a trial of this please
  2. The problem I was having was that even when I had the zoom set to max it would change the camera angle, which then resulted in needing to use the map to navigate
  3. bought the script, babysat for 3 hours, it managed a grand total of 0 points, constant no activity, or just running around like a retard, I would like a refund
  4. Making sapphire rings at edgeville, doing it by hand the camera never needs to move, but the bot moves the camera so then has to navigate via the map, only issue I can see is that it always clicks in the same spot at the edgeville furnace and the has to correct once the furnace is in sight again. Suggestion would be to max zoom and set the camera angle to allow one click from bank to furnace, then one click from furnace to bank.
  5. Just wondering if there was a way to queue tasks on this, like, clean herbs then make unf potions? If there is am I missing something because there is no way to do it in the one I have
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