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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Rare

  1. I would say by always delivering high quality products. Offer your help to the site within the graphics area.
  2. Well, I have Norton Security Pro. I also decompiled the download, and looked through things. Nothing weird in processes, no start-ups etc. Also checked it with a few other AV's.
  3. The download doesn't appear malicious. I have it running as we speak. Actually already improving system speed.
  4. Rare


    Closing this flame fest. Yes, you need to meet a few requirements.
  5. I honestly haven't seen much of it. There's usually like one BIG scam on a site that everyone remembers but that ends up being it. It's still a trade with caution. We could just advise to not do trades over a certain amount. Just to do increments. It's really simple to not get scammed. You can spot scammers easily too. Seriously...
  6. Sounds good to me. We'll win the 'forum game' :hurrdurr: -3 gf
  7. Double Zero. So now you guys are -1. gf
  8. Sounds like something I would see on Chris Archie.
  9. Just wanted to share with everyone my gamertag. I mainly just play GTA and BF3, I'll be getting the new ones too. But yeah, if anyone wants to play; add - A Wild Arab Leave a note with your OsBot username.
  10. Rare

    A little wallpaper

    I have a few techniques to make just about any picture HD. Test me. ;)
  11. A friend from work wanted me to make her a wallpaper for her tablet. All she said was to make it adventure time related. So this is what I made. It's pretty basic.I haven't messed with photoshop since April 24th. 0,o
  12. Rare


    It's pretty cool. But some of the yellow lines don't really fit right. Example: Where it meets the render just seems really random. http://prntscr.com/15taaz
  13. Rare


    Feedback only works for things which were traded for something in return. Anything FREE does NOT count as feedback.
  14. Welcome to OsBot, hope to see you post around. Don't leach our bot!

    1. Rare


      Leech* :l

  15. Yes, VIP is a 9.99$ payment every month.
  16. Glad you got it fixed. Closing this up.
  17. The background on my profile is a .gif Not sure why it isn't working for you..
  18. I didn't find any matching IP's other than his own account.
  19. This is what happened, you made a thread awhile ago about selling something with Xbox or microsoft. It turned into a huge spamming thread and flame war. Peter closed it. And gave you an infraction through your profile.
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