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Everything posted by indot05

  1. Well shoot. Seems like I was. Changed it back to fixed mode now. Thought I was on fixed mode before. I'll be sure to check that. I'll keep an eye out and see if that problem persist on fixed mode, but I'd imagine it was from being on resizable. Thanks! Edit: that seems to have fixed it
  2. My script has begun to set box traps but click away before it is fully set-up, leaving it laying on the ground. It will then pause for a short moment and then either check another trap or right click and set-up the trap it unsuccessfully set the first go around. This happens fairly often (probably once every 4 traps it sets up). This only happens to box traps that are being set-up out of the inventory, not ones that are already on the ground. If needed, I can copy and paste the logs when I get home, but I wanted to check first that this didn't have a simple fix such as changing my settings. Thanks!
  3. Script Name: czar runecrafting - Trial Length: 24h - Reason for trial: I had an RC script back around 2009. Was my absolute favorite script I've ever owned. Hoping to see how this script runs and will definitely buy if I am satisfied - Are you going to give feedback on the script?: Definitely. Feedback only means better updates!
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