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  1. In my experience the mouse movement or speed does not matter. I use instant mouse movement speed on my AutoIt scripts so the mouse "teleports" around the screen. And none of the "humanlike" anti-ban behavior either (random sleeps etc). Just go full robot mode and clean an inventory of grimy herbs in a couple of game ticks and repeat it for 6h straight.
  2. As @gearing mentioned above, private messaging comes to mind. A spammer script with a custom name list would be an interesting project (and a quite dubious one at that!) One could also want username style random seed for purposes unknown. That is an excellent idea! I did think about world hopping feature, I'll try to implement it to the script in the future. Thanks! ty ty
  3. This script gets the display names of all nearby players periodically and saves them to a local text file. Nearby players are scanned every 5 seconds and duplicate names are skipped. The script hops to a random world every 25-35 seconds. The created name list text file is located in OSBot data folder: C:\Users\USERNAME\OSBot\Data\NameHarvester_names.txt Download: NameHarvester.jar v1.01 Put the jar file to C:\Users\USERNAME\OSBot\Scripts and the script should appear on your script list in the client. Screenshot: Script source: Credits: formatTime method by Explv: Explv's Dank Paint Tutorial humanReadableByteCount method by aioobem, copied from Stack Overflow answer: https://stackoverflow.com/a/3758880 changelog:
  4. styxa

    StyxAfker [Free]

    No, I don't mind. I'm glad the source can be of some help!
  5. styxa

    StyxAfker [Free]

    This is a simple afker script. The script clicks between inventory and skill tabs at random intervals to prevent logout. The intervals are 3-4,5 minutes. Put the jar file to C:\Users\USERNAME\OSBot\Scripts and the script should appear on your script list in the client. Download: StyxAfker.jar v1.01 Source: Credits: Thanks to Apaec for the beginners guide on OSBot scripting: A Beginners Guide to Writing OSBot Scripts (where to get started!) by Apaec Thanks to Explv for the paint tutorial: Explv's Dank Paint Tutorial changelog:
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