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Everything posted by rsnerd

  1. Why is that depreciated? Anyway I can manipulate mouse speed?
  2. Already stated by Jmods they don't give a crap about the junk and have questioned why people think it matters. Source:Twitch when they banned a guy with 400m and but he had iron scimmy and crap in his inventory.
  3. For example i have a rock how do i get the screen position x and y of the rock where you interact with it or the center? is it getgrid x,y?
  4. for example i'm chopping a oak tree but if i angle myself there is walls blocking it so you can't actually see it despite the client saying it is visible.Is there a way I can tell if the oak tree is actually not visible to the eye etc.
  5. They do delete accounts this has happened to people who goldfarm back then in fact top dicers back then had their mules just deleted/locked.
  6. When you create the account USE THE PROXY also might make a difference as your ip is logged when creating etc.
  7. It it my opinion is based off amount of people near you lets be honest all it takes is one report and you could get banned.So many factors it also depends on the script etc.
  8. Nice give people a reason to babysit their bot
  9. Thanks guys Im still learning a long the way so this is more of a learning experience than anything
  10. I've been working on this project for a while using my knowledge of Java I will attempt to create a system in my future scripts which will be more advanced yet simpler than any other ANTIBAN system in any other scripts.I've been doing a lot of research to distinguish AI and Players as well as gather data which has shown me what is needed to blur the line between AI and Players.Hopefully one day I will be able to implement this system into my own scripts that will most definitely be released.Note everything I have said is not finished and is still in progress feel free to leave suggestions. ANTIBAN SYSTEM Unique Randomization - Everything on the script is randomized to your player.Every aspect of the script is uniquely randomized for each and every person. Smart reaction - Every interaction/action we do is based off of something else.Being able to adjust/react in either a slightly manner or completely different way to the surroundings and different senarios.Reactions will not always be the same and is completely randomized and dependent on what is the senario.Mouse movement,interaction,walking etc. Automated player preferences - Every person is different and in this case each account will be different.Settings will be automatically adjusted and customized by the script. Automated exponential Fatigue/idle system COMPLETION PROGRESS - 50% Update - date:unknown-will continue once GE comes out and I can make some scripts worth using. date:2/19/2015-Been testing extensively on repetative tasks(attacking monsters,interacting),No ban has occured yet.
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