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Everything posted by trainux

  1. I have the following code: final int[] npcsList = new int[] { 5427, 6744, //Flippa 312, 479, 2145, 3290, //Frog 380, 2122, //Pillory Guard 375, 376, //Rick Turpentine 5510, //Sandwich lady 5438, 5441, //Giles 322, 2408, 2409, 2429, 4301, 4302, 4303, 4304, 4305, //Drunken Dwarf }; final NPC npc = npcs.closest(npcsList); if (npc != null) { sleep(random(7000,15000)); interactCustom(npc, "Dismiss"); cantNPCFound++; } With this code valid that there is an existing NPC and is visible then interact and dismiss it. But how valid is the NPC for me and not for another user?
  2. solution: Stop using re-sizable mode. How? Settings tab -> Fixed mode
  3. public ArrayList<Position> getRutaFishToBank() { int caso = random(0,3); ArrayList<Position> path = new ArrayList<Position>(); switch (caso) { case 0: path.add(new Position(3087, 3232, 0)); path.add(new Position(3085, 3239, 0)); path.add(new Position(3085, 3247, 0)); path.add(new Position(3093, 3247, 0)); path.add(new Position(3092, 3243, 0)); break; case 1: path.add(new Position(3086, 3231, 0)); path.add(new Position(3083, 3239, 0)); path.add(new Position(3087, 3248, 0)); path.add(new Position(3092, 3246, 0)); path.add(new Position(3094, 3242, 0)); break; case 2: path.add(new Position(3086, 3232, 0)); path.add(new Position(3095, 3236, 0)); path.add(new Position(3100, 3239, 0)); path.add(new Position(3099, 3247, 0)); path.add(new Position(3093, 3247, 0)); path.add(new Position(3092, 3243, 0)); break; case 3: path.add(new Position(3085, 3232, 0)); path.add(new Position(3093, 3238, 0)); path.add(new Position(3093, 3242, 0)); break; default: break; } return path; }
  4. Being in the Area: Area draynor_fish = new Area(3080, 3237, 3089, 3224); I indicate that go to the following address: ArrayList<Position> path = new ArrayList<Position>(); path.add(new Position(3087, 3232, 0)); path.add(new Position(3085, 3239, 0)); path.add(new Position(3085, 3247, 0)); path.add(new Position(3093, 3247, 0)); path.add(new Position(3092, 3243, 0)); In this way: getWalking().walkPath(getRutaFishToBank()); This throws me the following error: Why?
  5. The "comprobacion()" function changes the state of a Boolean: @Override public void onStart(){ log("Arranco"); runTime = new Timer(0); comprobacion(); mensaje = "Inicio"; } ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Modify my "onLoop ()" to the following: @Override public int onLoop() throws InterruptedException{ if(sleep) { log("work time"); LoginEvent loginEvent = new LoginEvent("user mail", "password"); getBot().addLoginListener(loginEvent); execute(loginEvent); } return 500; } As a result, I get this: https://photos.app.goo.gl/yoOTCk0zId54PweS2
  6. I call the login code like this: LoginEvent loginEvent = new LoginEvent("user mail", "password"); getBot().addLoginListener(loginEvent); execute(loginEvent); The call I use it in the "onLoop()" in the following way: @Override public int onLoop() throws InterruptedException{ if (client.isLoggedIn()) { doTasks(); }else { LoginEvent loginEvent = new LoginEvent("user mail", "password"); getBot().addLoginListener(loginEvent); execute(loginEvent); } return 1000; } As a result, I get this: https://photos.app.goo.gl/KH25G5oSHPhdbnsC3
  7. my script only works without problem, and the script "A Simple Login Handler" copy and paste it. I do not understand what could cause one to harm the other.
  8. I try to execute it and when you press "Login" it sends the following error: Image hidden due to name showing
  9. Thank you, solve it with something like this: int onLoop() { if (client.isLoggedIn()) doTasks(); else initLoginHandler(); }
  10. I have a problem with the script, I try to execute it and when you press "Login" it sends the following error: Error
  11. I understand that I start the "execute" function and start the session. How do I disable it? For what? What do I try to do? I have a "Timer" that checks a valid time to play, at a certain time it indicates that I stop playing, but when it enters this range the bot starts and starts indefinitely without doing anything, so I would like to disable this function until it is time to play again. I was investigating the tool: A Simple Login Handler Personalize this to my liking, the problem is that I do not know how to place the conditional to stop the automatic. EYE: Do not "stop (true)" because it stops the script.
  12. I do not really know where that sign came from, where he copied it from, it was without sign and he stuck it and that sign appeared, he thought it was normal. Solved, now to try to customize the login. Thank you.
  13. Will that "?" sign appearing in the command have something to do with it? imagen
  14. I try this: java -jar "osbot 2.5.8.jar" -debug 5005 -allow norandoms But I get the same, run the autologin.
  15. Already initialized by command. But it does not disable autologin. Look: Demonstration image of the error
  16. 1st - I initialize it with double click and start normal 2nd - I have "Java v8 u151" Excuse me, I have java 10.
  17. Interesting, how can I start it that way? Any posts where they talk about a personalized start?
  18. I create some random times so that the bot does not work all day, but about 10h on average, for it I use a check that I do every second, changing the state of a boolean, said boolean I put it in the onLoop () as follows : @Override public int onLoop() throws InterruptedException{ if(sleep) { } }; If said boolean is "true" then the actions are executed. When the time it seizes passes the time limit of the inactive account is disconnected successfully, the problem is that the bot starts session automatically. How could I solve this? Is there a way to tell the bot on the onLoop () to leave the account disconnected?
  19. Interesting, thanks to all those who explained and clarified my doubt and that of some others.
  20. I was reading and one of the complaints from the developers of Jagex is that third-party customers earn money just like them, and it seems unfair that they earn the same or even more.
  21. Because nothing? They can not detect that your official client is not being used?
  22. After the news of Jagex about its actions towards third-party clients, it is assumed that customers like Osbot will also be influenced, has anything been said about this? I do not get a thread of this information. news of Jagex
  23. These characters appear randomly, I assume, which are part of the bot detection. I have captured some IDs as I have developed the code. Before trying the code that I try to do, first, to "dismiss" said characters, I would like to know: Sorry if my question is a bit absurd, but I confuse a few types of statements. The code that I have so far is: final int[] npcsList = new int[] { 5427, 6744, //Flippa 312, 479, 2145, 3290, //Frog 380, 2122, //Pillory Guard 375, 376, //Rick Turpentine 5510, //Sandwich lady 5438, 5441, //Giles 322, 2408, 2409, 2429, 4301, 4302, 4303, 4304, 4305, //Drunken Dwarf }; final NPC npc = npcs.closest(npcsList); if (npc != null) { if(npc.isVisible()) { npc.interact("Dismiss"); } } I assume that the error in what I have code is if the NPC or objecto nose digire to me. First of all, Thanks.
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