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Everything posted by QvM

  1. hi @NinjadGuy ive done some builds for you i could take barrows accs 2x. 75m ea
  2. QvM

    Legends quest

    sorry, had problems, i can do it in hour or 2
  3. QvM


    why did you blocked me on dc?
  4. QvM


    any good money making scripts?
  5. QvM

    Zulrah bot

    any good moneymaking bots? zulra is 170m/month right?
  6. QvM

    Zulrah bot

    got any advice how much should i bot in day?
  7. QvM

    Zulrah bot

    over do it? what you mean?
  8. QvM

    Zulrah bot

    hello, im new to botting, i planing to buy zulrah bot and vip for mirror mode, question is its still worth to buy zulrah bot ? its only for month?
  9. lemme know his name, i will pray for him.
  10. Don't let that bicthes get to your pc next time.
  11. It's training method, but you got to looku p every 5min, nmz its 7gp/xp, but there you go 60-90k xp/h. Your method you will get only 12k xp/h, so its 400 hours training its like 38 days if you play 9-11h in day, so i say its 330m.
  12. QvM


    Hello guys, i need midleman for today.
  13. 10m depends on what sub quest you have done already
  14. QvM

    need quests

    bro it's life if you can ,you do, by urself ,if u cant you buy services. Do act same at car repair services? Hello, i can change clunch in 2 hours by myself so why i must pay you 150$? Indon't judge you, but you saying that we are thieves, we spend our time on pc to make someones life better, someone's who buyes services can go outside live life while we sit here and doing your account better, so don't say that it's worthless, if your life is tv, school/job, pc , then do it by urself.
  15. QvM

    need quests

    thay are ez quest, but they take time, plague city 10min, biohazard 15min, death platue 7min, corsair curse 15min, x mark spot 2-5min. How do you see here 10min timeframe i don't know, but i know that every person who respects self won't make it for 1m or for free, expect if they want only rep.
  16. QvM


    hp lvl? pray lvl?
  17. QvM

    need quests

    you would get lower offer by slaves or 0 rep, its your choise
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