I'm talking about Polypickpocket. Today I realized I don't have it in my collection anymore and the former page doesn't exist anymore. Has it been removed by author?
The script keeps going haywire in one of two ways. It either randomly goes next to the bank chest and stops doing anything or moves away from the sand crabs and then does not return. Any reason why?
Request Template:
- Script name: Khal Tutorial Island
- trial length: 1-2 days would be more than enough to test it out.
- Reason for trial: Want to test before purchasing.
- Are you ging to give feedback on the script? Sure thing.
Lets say I want to run 5 accounts on 5 different proxies, can I do that using OSBot? Currently, when I start OSBot, I enter my OSBot credentials and select a proxy which I would like to use, however, this way all bots use the same proxy, don't they?