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Heaven Rules Ki

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  1. Still the same issue. Walks to the first Spot and then just prayerswitches until it dies. Doesnt attack the boss at all or try to tp out or eat food. EDIT: Issue was that I had superantipoison instead of anti venom+ Works fine now
  2. Not sure if I have a wrong setup. The script enters the boat and then runs to the first corner and only switches prayer without attacking and then dies. Will try again tomorrow
  3. Ah I ment as in drop the ore but bank the minerals (just like the gems)
  4. Is there a way to add unidentified minerals to banking instead of dropping? Or am I blind and didnt see the option
  5. Ah thanks. Thought I was going crazy. can be closed then
  6. As the title says my bot is always rightclicking (all scripts) instead of leftclicking, essentially breaking all scripts
  7. not sure why but instead of left click the bot right clicks when it tries to mine. Is this a problem with my runescape settings?
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