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  1. liked a little late hope im still in
  2. Any luck or are you banned for the whole year?
  3. Oh also did you bond at all or is it all f2p for now?
  4. Are bans seriously that common now?
  5. Do you think OSBot will implement this to really take jagex down a notch?
  6. y so expensive. It even has a 2 day ban
  7. bit too pricey for me, thanks anyways though!
  8. Waiting to hear from him -- willing to see what anyone has although since his will probably be a higher premium than any other account with a ban or that has been botted etc etc.
  9. looking more for skills rather than combat since I have a decent main. Thanks although
  10. Hey guys I'm looking to buy an account with a 99skill thats rare or cool just for another fun side account. F.e. 99 construction would be really cool, 99 thieving 99 hunter, or 99 agility. Blackmarks also dont matter as long as the account is not banned, I wont be botting on the account. I'm looking for a single or more rare skill to get to 99 so combat stats do not matter. You can pm me or reply on here and ill pm you back my Skype. I haven't posted much but joined osbot a long time ago so I have no problem using a MM. Thanks
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