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Trade With Caution
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chyeaa last won the day on April 6 2023

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About chyeaa

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    Playing guitar, Xbox, Roofing, poetry writer

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  1. I bought and it has been absolutely amazing, thank you!!
  2. I missed it again, oh my God lol. Well, you gave me another chance, so I'ma just buy the damn thing, keep missing it aha!
  3. Hey Czar, hate to ask, but I never got to try my trial, unfortunately. May I get a shot at it? Looking to mine amethyst because I am 99 mining, and want to see if this bad boy is the way to go, thank you!!
  4. Ugh, they finally got me ahaha, but I abused tf out of it. Still absolutely so incredible. I'll let you use my account for the crafting cape xD
  5. Try using glorys, to the abyss, tht's how I always have done it, and it runs flawlessly.
  6. I've used this script for 50 hours multiple times. My bots take breaks ever 2 1/2 hrs, on stealth of course. I've used it hardcore at Vampyres and made around 75m from blood shards alone. I absolutely love this script, my main also has 25m experience, because I'm trying for the damn pet aha. Very low ban rate, least I see for those who just run stealth like me;. In my experience, all of Khals scripts have been phenomenal, and have ran 50 hours on mining, agility, runecrafting, hell even GOTR minigame. I promise you this is one script you will fall in love with!!
  7. Got me to 98 mining so far! Your scripts are so amazing! PLEASE make an amethyst bot! The mining scripts are selective, and lots of bans reported vs your entire collection. I only can trust you. You have been MAGNIFICENT aha! So please, if you can! I almost own all of ours outside most minigames, and yes I am the foolish one who is using yours on 3 important accounts, with my main. But I risk it because I play to have a phenomenal account, not to sell or trade. So thank you for providing an amazing experience with your scripts!! But with 50m xp combined for theiving, still no danm racoon!!
  8. Wishy what are you talking about? Nats are easily 700k+ an hour through abyss. Laws make me almost 1m an hour, and Astrals which are less than Nats always brought me 600k+. I've used Khals Runecrafting script for months now, on 2 accounts, 15m xp and 14m xp and make nats/laws on one, and Deaths/bloods on other. I make 10k+ runes an hour. With Eye of the Raiment which full outfit gives 60% more runes. Without outfit, I can see where you're coming from, I guess if this is out of the equation, then your argument is valid.
  9. Can I have a trial to this please?? Tired of just motherlode and wanna get amethysts aha, thank you!!
  10. I reached 60 hrs and got 90 mining, so I am absolutely thankful for this script, thank you!
  11. You will want this script!! Because it was made by the number one scripter, you already know it's absolutely savage. I wish you had a mining script on its own, can't trust using anyone else but you but it has been flawlessss!!
  12. Hey man, no problem. I've done 99 agility, runecrafting, fishing, with breaks every 2.5hrs, and it's been amazing. I highly recommend their scripts, as they've never done bad. Great prices and trials too. After these last three months, I'm actually terrified to use any others.
  13. Use Khal Scripts, I've had 0 issues, and have ran for some serious hours. Knock on wood, aha. But I highly recommend because it has been flawless. Run 3 accounts at all times, and it has been unbelievable!
  14. These scripts just go in! Powerfishing is flawless, even got the pet! The drift net fishing still bugs, but outside that, just ran this pure almost to 99 fishing, after getting 99 range with your ogre bot! Keep up the amazing work!!
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