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mr yekop

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  1. I belive the Break option doesnt work, there was a error that opened up saying the script takes control so the break function isnt workable? If im wrong please let me know, i loved the script but i need the option to do shorter than 6 hours.
  2. Quick question, if you die does the script pick up your gear you drop or what happens at that point? Also is there a option to stop the script after like 3 hours or so? i dont want it to carry on until 6hour log
  3. Am i doing something stupid with settings but after 1 trip i get back to bank at clan wars, and the script just moves the dueling ring from 1 spot to another over and over? *edit , after re setting it a few times and adjusting no settings its started to work correctly it seem's? * after 4 trips it does the same dueling ring movments at clan wars bank. Seem's theres a problem? it moves the ring from where ever you set misc items to to the top right corner *Adjusting settings and it seem's it may be down to having a dueling ring equiped while one in inv? Testing atm Clan wars [To bank] Requirements: Ring of dueling Using the ring of dueling, this route teleports to Clan Wars and uses the bank chest there. This route will restore Prayer, Health, Stats and Special attack using the Free-to-play Clan Wars portal. Please note that the duel ring should be in your inventory, and not registered as a part of your equipment setup. ** My bad, i should learn to read more . ! so far its going good!
  4. May i get a trial please? Thanks in advance!
  5. mr yekop

    Fruity NMZ

    Amazing script, owned for about 1month now, gone from 80 attack and 85 str to 99 in both! My advice for people is just do 6-8 hours a day, then do a quest/ other slkills every few days. Worked for me fine so far !
  6. mr yekop


    Tempted to buy, many bans?
  7. mr yekop

    Fruity NMZ

    Yea ive just noticed it stood there doing nothing outside nmz after just eating down to 51hp.... possible problem?
  8. mr yekop

    Fruity NMZ

    Didnt know, new to this ^ And thank you! Cant wait to see it in action!
  9. mr yekop

    Fruity NMZ

    Could i get a trial of this please? Once im confident it works ill be happy to purchase! Does it work in mirror mode only?
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