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Dab in a Lab

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Everything posted by Dab in a Lab

  1. Why is my log giving this error? I made some changes, so it only has like a ~2 second delay to continue its action now, but its still kinda annoying. I saw that it provided more info about true or false and null methods, but I don't quite understand how that's relevant Logger: https://gyazo.com/bfd0d678cf7449a15894023b594844d3 Snippet of script: https://gyazo.com/d16de96eb83d637888a0fc5e6e8cebfc
  2. I don't particularly care about farming, but its always nice to have more scripts to cover a variety of methods.
  3. The osbotusername:osbotpass would remain the same. For example, in your case it would just stay as -login Burundagna:YourPassword. This just skips this step ( https://gyazo.com/aac65accc05f43639e418073f1ee139f ) so that once the command is entered in the command prompt, it will login at that step, select an account for startup, and select the script. Essentially once the command is entered, all the work is done and it will complete everything to start running on its own. Loading 400 accounts would be pretty tedious, but you can copy paste the command X amount of times to load up X amount of bots. But ideally, if you're running 400 bots, you would have a private script made with a ban check and account replacement. So once the account is banned, it discards the info and moves onto a new account. This would allow for all 400 clients to stay up and running without having to restart them all everyday.
  4. As far as I know, most of them grab the account info from a text file in the osbot data folder. Once the account logs in, it might get moved to another text file, so the next client can read the next account info on the file without trying to log in to the same account the previous client used. It uses norandoms so the auto login doesn't try to login with the same account chosen at start up. It would have a cli command like: java -jar "Osbot.jar" -login "OsbotUsername:OsbotPass" -allow norandoms -bot username:password:pin (0000 for pin if one isn't registered) -script "Script name" -world 301 If grabbing the account info from the text file is coded correctly, all you would need to do is load as many clients as you'd like using the command above in command prompt. After filling in the credentials ofc.
  5. I’ve only been at this for just over a week, so of course there will be shit I don’t understand right now. I’ll learn it when I get more comfortable with coding Right now I just wanna finish my script and I have it all completed except for marking up a buy offer 5% and lowering a sell offer 5%
  6. Any idea why? Sounds so much more convenient than the other work arounds that were suggested.
  7. I got some help trying to use osbuddys price api, but I’m not experienced enough right now. It just looked like a cluster fuck of info
  8. The built in method that interacts with everything for you doesn't seem to allow a +5 or 10% raise in the item price, so I'm building my own and have it interact with everything. The dialogue can be a bit unresponsive and be delayed to show up, but I put in a check for it, so it doesn't have any issues
  9. Hahahaha well its a destination and it uses the mouse, so I tried to make it a MouseDestination
  10. When I tried to do the widget debugger earlier it told me the action options were null. Is that just because there is no "action" other than clicking it? I didn't think to try it, so instead I tried finding a way using some kind of mouse event
  11. Currently I just have the mouse move to these coordinates over the item when trying to buy an item at the GE, but I don't know how to get it to click it https://gyazo.com/a28e5606ee3fc24e5870809fe88ce616 I've tried getMouse().click(MouseDestination destination) and define a destination for the mouse, but it wouldn't accept my statement. I also tried setting up a ClickMouseEvent, but it also didn't accept my statement for that. For defining the MouseDestination and ClickMouseEvent I tried defining them as: MouseDestination mouse_dest = getMouse().move(x:75 , y:385); I saw MouseDestination has a .getArea() but I didn't know how to set that up. or ClickMouseEvent mouse_click = " "
  12. Idk if its the getContext() but when I tried doing the getGE().buyItems(...) it didn't seem to do anything. The bot just read over that part of the script and continued onto the next part of the loop. I'll have to try mess around with a bit more Edit: Just added it back to my script and now its working pretty well. Idk what was up with it earlier. Thank you
  13. Sweet, thats good to know. Thanks for the help
  14. I have the widget for setting up a buy offer in box 1, but when the script tries to setup the offer, it misses the widget and just goes next to it like so: https://gyazo.com/6cc01719e0e86e4463bcc1c6ceeafb4c It happens like 75% of the time pic of code: https://gyazo.com/51813b05a9759085fda3a6a5d6cc3414 pic of widget info: https://gyazo.com/d9aea51792eb398416a28151c8d25307
  15. I've been using getGrandExchange().buyItem(itemId: searchTerm: price: quanitity: ) and tried setting up an integer using getGrandExchange().getOfferPrice() and multiply it by .05 as a separate integer, but its not an acceptable action. It tells me its a double when it requires an int. I've also tried having it interact with the +5% widget, but it doesn't preform the action if I have it before or after the buyItem(). I've also tried directly putting the widget interaction in as the price, but it also has to be an integer. Whats the best way to do this? Do I need to set up my own GrandExchange function and not use buyItem()?
  16. Sorry, I've only been at this for a week, so I'm not too sure how to that. Would I do like getDirectoryData() and have it grab a list of specific foods? If thats how I would do it, is there an API for grabbing item prices?
  17. How can I have the bot determine what item to buy based off of profit margins? For example if it was going to cook for a profit, how can I have it determine whats the most profitable item to cook every time it goes to resupply and have it buy X amount of that item.
  18. Hahaha ya, I quickly realized I was a little too ambitious with this script. Only just started learning how to code this week, and the project seemed easy enough until I actually got a bit further into it ? I fixed the return statement and I honestly don't know why the curly bracket was there, I think it was attached to the end of line 40? It seems to be working for now, thank you.
  19. Can anyone tell me why this statement is unreachable? If I mess around with the brackets to get the statement reachable, the else statement isn't paired with any if statements anymore. Its on line 43 https://gyazo.com/c840ffe12d80c78008ce9c1f6f1cc31c And if anyone could give me feedback or pointers for the code I have right now, that would be really appreciated. https://github.com/Dab-in-a-Lab/Wilderness-Looter/blob/master/Current Code
  20. Elon Musk's team did it for Dota, so I'm sure RS is possible
  21. Hahaha no problem. I honestly don't know though. I've only been scripting for 4 days, and I'm using an identical statement in my code. Just haven't been able to test it since the script won't start up for some reason
  22. Still learning myself, but if you haven't figured it out, I think this works: If (!myPlayer().getPosition().equals(chicken) getWalking().webWalk(chicken)
  23. This shows up when I run it in debug mode https://gyazo.com/034aec96c08343e707873f4c13a961ac the list of stuff goes on for a bit
  24. I've tried that a couple times. This is the only script thats doing it to me too
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