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Everything posted by sesamea

  1. from what im reading this looks like a script im willing to buy, just a few questions though, how much xp per hour is it if ur just running fire runes with no pouches as i dont havee lunar spells?
  2. this is new info to me, time to go try pkin with this thing
  3. botted for 5 days for about 8~ hours every night, still aint banned, and i use standard launch, maybe ur just unlucky?
  4. How much would a silver5 NA acc with the skins of below go for? asasin yi battliecast xerath deep terror thresh d slayer vayne heartseeker ashe pulse ezreal whistler village twitch spec forces gangplank commando xin warring kingdoms xin dragon fist lee debonair ezreal
  5. ill take ur virginity for 9 gp, cheaper than this guy^
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