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  1. First end to end communication successful Here's what the whole sequence currently looks like: Script tries to establish a connection with my custom server Server accepts request and spawns a new thread to communicate with the script over a socket Script asks for a new account over the socket Custom server communicates with MqSQL Database, gets the next available account, and returns it to the script over the socket I'm not sure what all I'll need/want to call over the socket, so I've built it in a pretty open fashion so adding new functions to the server and calling them from the script shouldn't require any real changes to the socket reader.
  2. From my limited experience + talking to people who run larger farms. Mules very rarely get banned, and to really limit your exposure, simply trade all the gold from your mules to a main account (or at least one that has some real play time on it) every day or so. Anyone else reading this who has had a different experience, feel free to correct me.
  3. Hahaha feel free to post any questions you have. Always willing to help.
  4. Well, I was an idiot and wrote MySQL into my scripts without realizing that I can't export into a jar and also maintain the reference to the external MySQL connector jar. (in laymans terms: my script relied on an additional java file to connect to the database I built. When I packaged my script for OSBot, there wasn't a way for me to also include this additional database file; so my script lost its ability to speak with my database when ran through OSBot) To get around this I'm going to build a server program that my scripts can speak with via sockets. That way my scripts will send their requests/updates to the server application via sockets, and the server application will execute any required database calls before returning any requested data back via the same socket. It's another piece I really didn't want to have to add, but it seems to be the only way currently unless I scrap the database idea. I wrote a quick test script and a small server application to verify I could send a message from my scripts to the server via a socket and then return a string from the server back to the script. Everything seems to be working so I should be safe to start moving the SQL calls over to the server application.
  5. Gross. Was hoping to avoid sockets, but I guess I'll have to use em anyways. Thanks for the input man!
  6. I know this is probably a reach, but I'm curious if anyone's had any luck running custom scripts that rely on external JAR dependencies? I want to connect to a MySQL database from my script so I have it include the mysql connector driver jar, but this isn't included when you export to a jar; so my script fails as it doesn't know what com.mysql.jdbc.Driver is. This will only be used locally, so no worries about this not being supported via the SDN. All the stack overflow posts I can find point to exporting it as a "runnable external jar" so you can include external jars in the package. But this obviously doesn't seem right as the script by itself isn't runnable.
  7. No I mean onResponseCode itself is never being called. I have a massive switch statement with all 25 included, but onResponseCode is never being called so the switch statement is never hit.
  8. Do I need to do something to actually get responseCodes when the account is locked? My onResponseCode function is never being called, so it just sits looking at the login screen with the "Your account has been disabled" message.
  9. Haven't made a ton of progress these past few days as I've been busy with work. I did make a list of MVP (Minimal Viable Product, aka the minimum I need to feel comfortable expanding) features. Required before expanding: (D: Done, P: In Progress) [D] Script to farm [ ] Script to mule [P] Automatic account replacement when bans come in [P] Way of keeping track of accounts so I can quickly tell which have been banned/locked and which are ready to be farmed - [D] SQL DB to maintain data - [P] Java end to update database and replace accounts as they're banned - [ ] Intelligent way for java end to be notified when DB changes (so I can use the DB to notify bots it's time to mule) [ ] Script to get quest points [D] New account source (The long term goal is still to make these all myself as I already have the tutorial island script done. However, after dealing with locks whenever I bot them through tutorial island on a datacenter IP, I've decided to simply buy tutorial island finished level 3 accounts for this first expansion) The little work I did do was around the SQL database. I have the schema defined and the database built, and I'm about 70% of the way through integrating it into my Java "Account manager" which is responsible for starting bots, replacing them and updating their status in the database when they're banned or locked, and notifying a bot when it's time to mule.
  10. Ooooh this'll be good. Glad to see someone else with technical background putting their knowledge to good use
  11. Oh you're hand doing them? Yeah I won't be able to hand do tutorial at the scale I'm hoping for.
  12. I'm creating my own proxies but not using my home IP address for those. I figured if I created all accounts on the same IP, jagex would eventually catch on and just ban all accounts from that IP. Is that not what you've found? Like could I realistically get away with creating 30 accounts from the same IP every day and not get chain banned? :p
  13. Yeah I plan on introducing it anyways as it's an interesting problem to solve. Just curious if others had found better ways around it (I was thinking something like splitting bots up to only run 12 hours each day for 2 days to make them last longer than 24 hours). Getting the quest points definitely seems like the most efficient answer
  14. Did they change it? The only thing I can find in google searches say 24 hours. 18 would be a lot more manageable. Do you know if there's a list somewhere of which items are restricted? I noticed that certain fish are (like shrimp and anchovies), but others aren't (like salmon and tuna).
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