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Everything posted by osbotfun

  1. Working alright, the script is bot like though. The one thing I noticed which i really do not like is when I enter the trap door to the edgeville dungeon the first click is way off the minimap and always in the same position. The script misclicked a few times on the way to the obelisk, making me end up with the giant rats. The camera moves up and down while on the walk when it does not need to, and it stays on similar paths/uses the same bank stall (bot like). i also had the script switch worlds on me for no reason. Other than that it is working, I just have to keep the botting short.
  2. osbotfun

    OSBot 2.4.145

    Was going to post that a script was not working, glad I waited because it is fixed! Thanks Osbot team
  3. osbotfun


    Hey Tom, I purchased your script and it is working well besides one issue, every now and then it will click a rock that's been mined (has no ore in it). Other than that it I'm enjoying it, I just think it would be better if it didn't click a rock with no ore. Thanks
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