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  1. I tried re-downloading osbot client and have mainly tried the basics but nothing seems to work, I am also having troubles with a thieving script that was working perfectly fine earlier, now it just wont click the npc. I don't know if this is a issue on my behalf but nothing really seems to be working lol.
  2. For some reason it wont walk to the mounds, anytime I click over to a mound it does everything fine, just wont walk to a mound, any ideas on how to fix? http://prntscr.com/ip01m2
  3. Just purchased this script without any testing and it is working flawless, exactly how I do my barrows trips normally, great script buddy
  4. Does this support barrows tabs and dueling ring to clan wars each trip? I am an ironman and would it also support ibans blast?
  5. You should add a sack option for members, you bring 20 sacks or how many you choose and it speeds up the process so much because it can fill all these sacks. Instead of banking with 28 potatos, you could bank with 208 potatoes :D.
  6. I've been using it on master farmer on new acc since level 38 thieving, now im 60 and perfectly fine, I'm central time canada/usa and only bot 12pm - 11pm, overnight is when i get banned because i think it has something to do with jagex working hours and in the UK thats when they work.
  7. Everytime i try to pickpocket knights, it runs to the bank and just stops there, i've tried many different settings it just wont pickpocket the damn knight, i've even tried sticky keys and saved the npc
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