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Everything posted by gman6

  1. gman6

    Stealth Quester

    jagex banning people after seeing this script on youtube being used by someone getting maxed stats by botting... gf
  2. gman6

    Stealth Quester

    Just got a 2 day ban from using this script. I did not bot more than 6 hours with it. This was the only script I used on the account also
  3. gman6

    Stealth Quester

    any word on a timeframe for 2.0 with updated quests?
  4. gman6

    Stealth Quester

    My opinion after using this script for some time today: ive noticed lots of bugs like accidently using items in my inventory like cheese (witch's house) which has caused my script to bug out and wont continue the rest of the quest just sits in bank with magic ammy, air staff, and wizard hat. I babysit the script because my character gets stuck a lot during quests. This script can finish easy quests flawlessly but some quests it just completely fails. very disappointed in this $20 script... I expected more!!!
  5. gman6

    Stealth Quester

    just purchased the script. getting lvls to minimum then starting :p
  6. gman6

    Stealth Quester

    would like to try out this bot if possible, can I get a trial please?
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