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Everything posted by Eminem

  1. Will definitely come in handy for many people. Thank you!
  2. Support. Hate it when pages become 5 times as long due to large signatures.
  3. false next person has never had popeyes
  4. Eminem

    Simple Userbars

    These are nice, but i think they would look alot better if they were less fuzzy.
  5. Eminem


    I seem to have alot of lag to, especially when opening threads or switching boards
  6. I think that is self-explanatory ;) The next person has a job
  7. Eminem


    How long have you been doing graphics?
  8. 2:04 till estimated time of release
  9. False, had it tuesday Next person likes KFC
  10. Dogs Basketball or football
  11. Some nice stat lines! I just started playing a week or two ago. I have only played a few rounds though, and was nowhere near as good.
  12. Thank you for the update, much appreciated.
  13. Take you time and make sure everything is working as planned. Rather have a working bot later, than have a bot released and everyone spamming forums needing support because of a malfunction. You guys are doing great!
  14. Nice to see you her eon OSBot, i used some of your scripts from RSBot when i botted EOC. I was Ramsv94 on RSBot, wasn't really active their, so you probably don't remember me.

    1. GoldenGates


      I don't remember you, sorry. And I'm releasing a range guild script soon, so keep your head up. ;)

    2. straightkilla


      Goldengates do you have any updates on the range guild script.?

  15. It will come guys, don't worry. The delay could be for a number of reasons, and it was only a ETA not a exact time of release. This extra wait will ultimately lead to a better bot.
  16. Hope everything is preforming as expected!
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