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  1. Folderol

    Fruity NMZ

    After how many days? Im doing the same haha
  2. Folderol

    Fruity NMZ

    I support this. Use this method while we wait for the update to come through.
  3. Folderol

    Fruity NMZ

    Oh I see, I'm new haha. Also while you're waiting, I got another bug for you. When the barrel is full and the bot escapes the dream with 2 doses let's say, it gets stuck trying to store it in the barrel.
  4. Folderol

    Fruity NMZ

    I did the stop + refresh scrpits and it's still doing the thick skin. Now I am using prot from melee option also the inventory slot is still off for me. Do I need to reset the whole client or just the script? I am also using the mirror mode.
  5. Folderol

    Fruity NMZ

    If you update the script and i am running it, will it stop it and update or wait till i stop it? Thanks
  6. Folderol

    Fruity NMZ

    Hey fruity i found 2 bugs, the inventory slots are calculated wrong when i have an unholy book and a dscim also its praying thick skin when im not toggling that option.
  7. Folderol

    Fruity NMZ

    Hi @Fruity could i get a trial and check it out please. Thanks.
  8. Folderol

    Fruity NMZ

    Hey @Mikasa i saw your posts that youve botted a lot. I was wondering what kind of setup were you using. Prayer or abs, what was done manually, what wasnt, breaks taken, etc. I wanna get into botting since i dont have time to train my account and want to avoid getting banned. Thanks
  9. Folderol

    Fruity NMZ

    Hello I am very interested in this script. I am wondering if it would be safe to use on my only account which is a pure.
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