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Everything posted by Genius15

  1. What you think, should I make more "Guess the sound" videos?
  2. Have u seen this video already? check out my latest videos at my youtube channel!
  3. Sony vegas. 1 very random video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=APRrTvREelI
  4. 2 new videos League of Legends: Luckiest Blitzcrank ever? League of Legends: The tides have turned
  5. League of Legends: This is why you do NOT mess with 5 malphites. You can submit your plays to malmiproduction@gmail.com Your email should include the LoLReplay file (.lrf), a youtube video of the play and your player name. Liked the video? Click here to subscribe! http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=malmiproduction
  6. MALMI PRODUCTIONS Taking it to the next level! Editing videos since year 2008 __________________________________________________ YOUTUBE CHANNEL: www.youtube.com/user/MalmiProduction Click here to SUBSCRIBE! __________________________________________________ Progams We use: Sony Vegas 12 Adobe After Effects Fraps LOLReplay Our imagination and brain too. __________________________________________________ EXAMPLES VIDEOS OF OUR WORK! Knight Online Trailer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w1XZOPKTJBQ League of Legends : 2 random Varus moments League of Legends: 2 random Varus moments - YouTube STANDOFF: 2 Wukongs vs 2 Volibears https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YujIhBfXFRk League of Legends: Katarina's ultimate slowmo League of Legends: Katarina ultimate slow motion - YouTube Knight Online - AC/DC - TNT - KO VERSION AC/DC - TNT - KO VERSION - YouTube Knight Online - MrBison PK Video Trailer MrBison PK Trailer - YouTube Malmi Productions Intro Malmi Productions Intro - YouTube FEEL FREE TO FLAME, BLAME, COMMENT AND RATE!
  7. we'll the easiest way is to use middleman or just get a PM on forum.
  8. wow lol, never read so easy guide
  9. Genius15


    hahahahah, genius
  10. Genius15

    You Decide!

    second one is way better
  11. not bad for 5 minutes :D
  12. few pictures are funny, but no all of them
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