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About paNicM

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  1. Hi @Czarjust curious about the upper level mining. When I choose a certain part of the map to mine(basically left and right when walking up the ladder). Why does it mine the rockfall and just walk away. It keeps doing that and it looks suspicious imo Also does this on random spots to mine, mines the rockfall, doesnt go past it and goes to another section of the mlm upper level.
  2. Worked fine yesterday, as of today it doesnt work anymore. Keeps getting stuck before hitting an npc. (Men in Edgeville, Goblins in Lumby) I'm on mirror mode. Logger tells: ----- Finding nearest NPC.. No nearby npcs found.. Can't find far away npc. ----- While he is literally standing next to them. @Czar EDIT: Works fine rn, did the same thing and now it hunts for the npc.
  3. paNicM

    Buying OSRS Gp

    Would you suggest to just purchase it in one trade(1x600m) or several trades?(6x 100m) More trades more logs to check right?
  4. I was wondering if people have any experience how bannable it is to buy OSRS gp. I guess I already purchased something around 150m. But need some 600M more. Would love if you could share some experience with me.
  5. Since it is Czar, I am buying this instantly.
  6. I have an main account with total level 1870~, wealth over 250m. Probably a couple of years old and over 200 qp+. I basically bot 4 hrs a day and also play legit on it. Good idea or not? People always tell me that you shouldnt bot on a account if you dont care to lose it.( I know but isnt it more fun playing with high stats?) Also when I get caught is the possibility of getting a 2 day ban high or is it instantly perm banned? Would love to hear from you guys
  7. be carefull with fresh accounts. Ban rates on them are higher. It also depends on what you bot. On combat /fishing I haven't been caught yet 45 / 15 schedule(botting for a couple of months rn)
  8. Nice update. Bot works really smooth again on kalphites. Was stuck at the duel arena and kept on walking in a circle. Update working out, grinding slayer again thanks!
  9. I have a Iron man account. I was wondering if any of you had issues with botting iron mans. I've heard the ban-rates on these accounts are higher than on a normal account.
  10. Did it get banned? Im curious how the progress went
  11. penance queen, such a grind nowadays.
  12. Still having issues doing Gargoyles. For some reason it drops the Rock Hammer which cause me to keep fighting the same Gargoyle untill i die. Noticed it before and today aswell. Can't find anything in the logger about it. Also when u try to kill Gargoyles off-task it does go to the basement of the Slayer tower(it is slay-task only) so it should be going to the upper floor. Edit: I'm using Mirror Mode
  13. So many positive comments. Im going to buy it
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