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  1. That would be awesome!
  2. Alright. The join/leave is important for the use I had in mind. Oh well
  3. No matter what I do, I still can't get the bot to use a catherby teleport tab, as it opts to use the charter ship instead regardless.
  4. I concur. I've been experiencing the same pathing issues since purchasing the script. I can't access Weiss or Trollheim patches entirely, and the bot seems to be completely blind to the catherby teleport tab no matter what settings I use.
  5. Any luck on fixing the issue with getting to weiss and trollheim?
  6. The bagged plant feature doesn't seem to work. The bot will plant the initial bagged plant, only to immediately stuck as it seemingly cannot remove the plant after it is built [INFO][Bot #4][01/04 03:25:37 PM]: [BaggedPlantsStateImpl] - Planting [INFO][Bot #4][01/04 03:25:37 PM]: [ConstructEvent] - Building object not found [INFO][Bot #4][01/04 03:25:37 PM]: SupplyTracker[Coins x 1, Bagged plant 3 x 1, Watering can(8) x 3] [INFO][Bot #4][01/04 03:25:37 PM]: [BaggedPlantsStateImpl] - Planting [INFO][Bot #4][01/04 03:25:37 PM]: [ConstructEvent] - Building object not found [INFO][Bot #4][01/04 03:25:37 PM]: SupplyTracker[Coins x 1, Bagged plant 3 x 1, Watering can(8) x 3] [INFO][Bot #4][01/04 03:25:37 PM]: [BaggedPlantsStateImpl] - Planting [INFO][Bot #4][01/04 03:25:37 PM]: [ConstructEvent] - Building object not found [INFO][Bot #4][01/04 03:25:37 PM]: SupplyTracker[Coins x 1, Bagged plant 3 x 1, Watering can(8) x 3] [INFO][Bot #4][01/04 03:25:37 PM]: [BaggedPlantsStateImpl] - Planting [INFO][Bot #4][01/04 03:25:37 PM]: [ConstructEvent] - Building object not found [INFO][Bot #4][01/04 03:25:37 PM]: SupplyTracker[Coins x 1, Bagged plant 3 x 1, Watering can(8) x 3] [INFO][Bot #4][01/04 03:25:37 PM]: [BaggedPlantsStateImpl] - Planting [INFO][Bot #4][01/04 03:25:37 PM]: [ConstructEvent] - Building object not found [INFO][Bot #4][01/04 03:25:37 PM]: SupplyTracker[Coins x 1, Bagged plant 3 x 1, Watering can(8) x 3]
  7. I'm not Here's a picture I just took of one of my bots on an entirely different route using the Frankenstrain teleport
  8. Every time the bot goes to the Morytania patch, it has the ectophial or Frankenstein teleport (running multiple bots with and without the ecotphial) in its inventory. Funnily enough, I checked one of the bots as I was responding to this just to observe it doing exactly this process lol: I've also noticed that the bot will charter a ship to Catherby instead of using the Catherby teleports. I've run a few bots for prob 3-4 days worth of playtime at this point; most issues I notice seems to be related to how the bot chooses to reach its destination. Another example would be how the bot teleports to Varrock to reach the Taverly tree patch, despite being set to use the Taverly teleport tab in its inventory.
  9. The bot doesn't bring saplings for the falador tree patch, regardless of which sapling I tell it to bring edit: looks like it does this at tav and brimhaven too; I'm starting to think that the location itself doesn't matter, but rather the order of the tree patches?
  10. The bot tries to path to the Morytania herb patch by walking from Varrock to the patch regardless of what teleport option I select. Nothing pops up in the logger.
  11. The bot can't find its way to trollheim (using a trollheim teleport tab) or weiss (using a relleka teleport tab). Even if I manually break the teleport tabs, the bot will spit out this error: [INFO][Bot #1][12/29 04:52:01 PM]: [SupplyService] - Tracked supplies for 6 steps [INFO][Bot #1][12/29 04:52:01 PM]: SupplyTracker[Skills necklace(4) x 1, Catherby teleport x 2, Trollheim teleport x 2, Coins x 0, Falador teleport x 2, Ardougne teleport x 2, Teleport to house x 2, Magic secateurs x 1, Bottomless compost bucket x 1, Torstol seed x 6, Spade x 1, Ectophial x 1, Rake x 1, Seed dibber x 1] [INFO][Bot #1][12/29 04:52:01 PM]: [FarmingStateImpl] - Walking to patch: Herb at Troll Stronghold [ERROR][Bot #1][12/29 04:52:01 PM]: [WalkEvent] - Failed to prefetch requirements, trying with simple path [ERROR][Bot #1][12/29 04:52:01 PM]: [WalkEvent] - Failed to prefetch requirements, walker can't determine a route edit: do you have any intentions of adding your discord webhook feature to this script?
  12. How does seed progression work? edit: also, how does the bot get to Weiss? I don't see an option to use icy basalt
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