The bot can't find its way to trollheim (using a trollheim teleport tab) or weiss (using a relleka teleport tab). Even if I manually break the teleport tabs, the bot will spit out this error:
[INFO][Bot #1][12/29 04:52:01 PM]: [SupplyService] - Tracked supplies for 6 steps
[INFO][Bot #1][12/29 04:52:01 PM]: SupplyTracker[Skills necklace(4) x 1, Catherby teleport x 2, Trollheim teleport x 2, Coins x 0, Falador teleport x 2, Ardougne teleport x 2, Teleport to house x 2, Magic secateurs x 1, Bottomless compost bucket x 1, Torstol seed x 6, Spade x 1, Ectophial x 1, Rake x 1, Seed dibber x 1]
[INFO][Bot #1][12/29 04:52:01 PM]: [FarmingStateImpl] - Walking to patch: Herb at Troll Stronghold
[ERROR][Bot #1][12/29 04:52:01 PM]: [WalkEvent] - Failed to prefetch requirements, trying with simple path
[ERROR][Bot #1][12/29 04:52:01 PM]: [WalkEvent] - Failed to prefetch requirements, walker can't determine a route
edit: do you have any intentions of adding your discord webhook feature to this script?