Though I must admit
Out of 20 accounts I create, 15 survive the initial 18 hours.
Then after about 18-21 hours I'm only left with five.
After 24, I'm left with two or three, which I can collect profit from.
I just don't get it though, all using the same bot, same IP registered and played on.
Yeh, maybe it'd be better to bot till the time you think it's going to get disabled, then get 7QP and trade all the stuff over!
I think that's what I'm going to do, though I don't get how all these lvl3 accs with RANDOM letter usernames don't get banned, whilst mine have a legit name and a legit email address attached to them.
That's what I'm wondering though, does it have any advantage to do so or not? Because all my accounts get banned after +/- 18-23 hours.
So I was wondering if I don't take breaks, it would have any difference. AND what I have to do to finally get some profit out of this lol, as its a real bummer to see the bots getting banned one hour before the trade limit is lifted. Thanks for the reply though!
Hello guy, might be a stupid question but here it goes.
I'm wondering if I should let the bots "take breaks" when I'm suicide botting on lvl 3 accounts? So far I've only had one account that hasn't been banned within 24 hours (Out of 20 bots)
I'm looking to get some profit out of these lvl 3 accounts though, through suicide botting. Some tips would be great, thanks!
I have entered all the information correctly and quadruple checked all of it over and over.
Do you have any suggestions? As there are a million of these proxy selling sites out there.
I don't really care where the proxy comes from, just want to get this issue solved.
Are there better sites out there, then?
So you guys think the proxy itself is the issue then?
So I've bought a private proxy from ProxyFish, though whenever I add a bot the OSBot client always hangs for ages (sometimes it starts loading after about five minutes) but it never gets any further then "Grabbing Runescape Parameters". Have any idea how I can solve this? Thanks!