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  1. Haven't tested with other foods, but the script will eat anchovy pizzas until the entire inventory has 1/2 pizzas before finally eating the other halves
  2. The script will try to logout once the task has been completed, but it neglects that there is a 10 second timer before logging out. Possible as some option like "Teletab and then logout" or "run to safespot and then logout" etc.
  3. - What is the bug Cannot set fight bounds - How did you make the bug happen The script does not respond to f7 - Tried client restart? Yes - Normal script or a plugin? Normal script - Which exact setup options are enabled? Afk mode, cannon mode, etc etc. Irellevent, happens in every scenario I have tried (Melee, Magic, etc.) Have not tried cannon mode or ranged mode. ==================================================== New feature request - What is the new feature Safespot for magic - Basic description of what the script should do Same safespot logic as ranged mode, but enable it for magic mode - Basic actions for the script: 'Use item on item' etc. N/A
  4. inventory was open, no interface was open
  5. Always pause the script and wait for it to be fully paused before moving cursor!
  6. Script ran fine 1->(15-20), stopped script and start it again and it is no longer working (buys a RoD and sits in GE, not moving) Construction level: 19 Construction mode: Default Mirror mode/Stealth injection: Stealth Do you have a dungeon or second floor: no Was a servant manually hired: no House location: Remmington House style: Unsure CLI flags: Unsure Are you using low cpu: no Are you using 3rd party "managers": no Number of bot tabs in the same client: 1 Logger contents (all of it, please don't post last 3 lines):
  7. can i please try a trial of this before I purchase? Thanks!
  8. - What is the bug Script does not follow correct goal order (ex. Top to Bottom with Attack and Defense selected, but trains defense first) - How did you make the bug happen Starting script with above settings enabled - (optional) recommendation for the bug, e.g. 'make the script walk back' or something - Tried client restart? Yes - Normal script or a plugin? Normal script - Which exact setup options are enabled? Afk mode, cannon mode, etc etc. Top to Bottom, Attack checked with goal level, defense checked with goal level edit: Upon further investiagtion, it looks like "Bottom to Top" and "Top to Bottom" are flipped (opposite of what they are intended to do). Also, I should report that the script sometimes has trouble going to the correct location to fight. For example, if I have an Ice Warrior task and I want it to to go the Ice Warriors in the cave south of Port Sarim, it will instead try to go to white wolf mountain. Is there a way to select which location the script goes to, or somehow mark the location I want the script to return to when I am done banking?
  9. Is there some info on how to use the bounds? It seems every time I try to set it up it is super buggy (extending in opposite direction of mouse, red/cyan/green boxes with no indication of what they mean) maybe i am just incorrectly configuring it
  10. I mean during runtime. i need to dynamically get what ingame position the mouse is pointed over and vice versa
  11. Is it possble to track what position ingame the mouse is pointing to? (and likewise, where a position ingame corresponds to the (x,y) position on the client interface)?
  12. Currently making a level 3 skillers using mainly self-made scripts. Will have reqs to do tithe in around a week or so and I will be making a script for it. I can help you out with this if you still need it then
  13. Is there a way to share a local script i've made using the website (by attatching it to someone's account, like if i were to purchase a premium script)?
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