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Everything posted by dipchit

  1. script crashes the game it gets stuck at gathering data and I am unable to close or click anything else including the close button
  2. the up down drop system goes left to right but also misses half the fish in my inventory then continues fishing weird
  3. now it does move it off the screen at first but it reverts to having the same problem also the up down drop pattern option is broken
  4. mouse doesnt move off screen while on afk mode
  5. cursing isn't working it only casts it once and stop afks
  6. can u add a randomized speed option
  7. can you add an afk mode where it moves mouse off screen?
  8. can u fix ur drop other fish option please edit:nvm
  9. can u fix ''drop other fish'' option or change it so it drops all the fish and not only one?
  10. idk i used it 1-99 and 19 mil xp with no ban
  11. same problem trying to cut magics and its just afking
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