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  1. Really? I'm currently using it :P
  2. Hey mate nice script, using it on Oak dungeon doors currently. Just some feedback for you: Seems to be pretty inefficient in doing this method as it fetches planks with butler, builds 2 doors, asks butler to fetch planks again and then sits doing nothing and waiting for it to return. Efficient workflow would be (assuming we start with planks in inv): Ask butler to retrieve 20 planks, build 2 doors (by this point butler has returned and delivered planks), ask butler to retrieve 20 more planks, build 2 doors, repeat... I understand that the script is very large and covers lots of different types of building and so adding specific optimizations may be hard/waste of time. I'm happy to test it out again if you make changes. Thanks. Edit: ah I see someone has already posted about this :P
  3. Hey mate could I get a trial? Thanks
  4. Hey, was wondering if I could get a trial to test it out?
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