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    Runescape, botting, bike, but most of all: FOOD!

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  1. Well yeah, why not, it is just logic to sell 1.5m at a 300k loss.
  2. Lmao just the cash and black mask are worth 1.5m. I think you have a strange way of thinking lol.
  3. Price check for this account. It has had a 2 days ban for bot busting moderate over a week ago, but i played legit 2 times since then ( first time on it today for a week) and it is safe to play legit again. Level 50 attack, but monkey madness not done.
  4. You need to open a regular client(Os laucher or osbuddy) and then you open your mirror client. You click on new bot, choose the one you want (can be default) and then wait for your mirror client to connect to the other client (it can take a few minutes). Be sure that the regular client (i highly recommend osbuddy) is correctly loading.
  5. Like i said to someone else, i botted an account 14h a day for 6 days, only got a 2 days ban (my account has even gotten locked the first day because they tought it was stolen (probably was a flagged proxy)) because i got stuck with two scripts while i was caring less. There ARE ways to bot a lot without getting banned, but i think luck is a lot of it.
  6. And if i want to use multiple proxy, can i switch between them easily ? If i open many client, wont the proxy affect them all ?
  7. No i made over 1m on it, making gold bracelets and cannonballs and planking and looting script, i tried many scripts on it.
  8. I have an account that i only botted on it, 55 combat and many level 40 skills and i only got a 2 days ban, i didnt play any legit time on it so i guess ForBobo is right about 2 days ban
  9. Hello and welcome, we also have a lot of good members and friendly people, so don't be afraid to make friends but never trust someone too much ;)
  10. I'd say 3-8h when i work and 10-16 when i dont lmao #IhaveNoLife
  11. Yes i agree that the game in itself is great, but the feeling just aint the same for me :P
  12. How dare you give up on us ? :'(
  13. I love it so much yet nothing of this can be found on the internet I love you
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