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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Mainio

  1. Thats nice price for that account. I would suggest op on buying this
  2. You certainly have not made such a deal with them without a chance of knowledge that it will be 2 year deal. They will tell you exactly everything what you need to know about the contract before you accept it. Also every time there will be given confirmation of order where you are able to see/read if it has any long-term deal including.
  3. Yeah with that broadband connection, but you bought 4G and also Telia offers 4G cheaper than 19,90e/month without 2 year contract.
  4. First of all, you are able to buy same device for CHEAPER than you're currently paying WITHOUT any 2 year contracts. About the price: in the range of 11,90e/month - 14,90e/month that's what you could've got and those doesn't include 2 year contracts so you would be able to change company whenever you wanted.
  5. That's the difference with broadbands and 4G-connections. Broadbands are home address dependent so in his case, there are no such kind of connection available that you have. Only if he would ask that they would build an optical fibre (which costs around 1500$ - but I guess from his attitude to my recent post that money is not a problem, so he definately should've bought that) to his house, these kind of DL&UL could be possible.
  6. Just go look at their threads, they usually have gudies how to get free trial for specific script. Usually you just need to like their thread+comment there.
  7. "Poor people's business" Well lets think it this way, why the hell you are buying prepaid? I can think two reasons, first you have been poor yourself and you've lost your credit reports/ratings and that's why you are not eligible to buy actual subscriber connections. Second reason is just that you are dumb for buying prepaids. And I do know that prepaid means no contracts, but my bad I spelled it wrong - I clearly just meant that you've ripped your money there. And just to make it clear for you, I'm not poor myself irl but it's just a principle - Why wouldn't you get cheaper (and probably better connection with better benefits) option if there is one?
  8. Just saying, there are cheaper options than 19,90e/month. You might just ask from another provider than DNA. (I do know what I'm talking about hence I'm working at competitor of DNA ) But I guess you just made a contract for the next 12 months so rip your money.
  9. Sysm used me already I can make you something similar?
  10. Just hit up someone trusted like @zuzel111 @Pink Clay Thats what i would do with zerk/voider
  11. Damn, hard to say any price check but the account would've been much more if it was a lvl 3 skiller. Nice stats anyways!
  12. Mainio


    What kind of gear you have on your ironman? Feel free to add my Skype to discuss more! live:mainiors
  14. 2.5m I can do it right now! live:mainiors
  15. I should ask the same question from you tbh. You are lowballing yourself, imo. (no offence)
  16. 17.5m, all of the quests will be started and done in one sitting. live:mainiors
  17. Doing these for him!
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