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Everything posted by PKDealer

  1. well its easy, what u are planing to do with this "gdk" its just take the stats to 60/60/60, 31 crafting & 38 woodcutting, this is just afk for a some time at sandcrabs, yes u are rigth its less xp on this acc that we are talking about, the reason it is expensive its because its a pure, its use on pk not for botting and its acually harder to get combat mele lvls or ranger lvls with out defence, thats the diference and im sure u wont have any sell of those "gdk" if u post them in a price like 10m, the most ppl will ever pay for this its 6-8m, and less if u dont have any feedback, but still i wish u good luck man
  2. first of all u wont get 400k/h with those stats i dont think botting those acc u can get 200k, second pures take longer to do that means more efford=higher price
  3. lol man , please check the shop again, its not mine and btw thats a pure it worth that, i was just making suggestions to you
  4. im sure about what im talking this kind of acc dont even worth that,but anyway good luck man
  5. bond its 3.9m i think= so its like 2.3$ , and u can not spect to sell this acc for 10m just with those stats, i mean that can be done in 1 day very easy, and i dont think u can even kill greens with that, but maybe if u get something like 70/60/60u can spect from 8-10m or so but nothing else
  6. i dont think it worth much, maybe 6m with those stats
  7. its a moneymaking , u cant spect not to get banned on 2018, but maybe there are other factors that didnt help u, flaged proxys, acc or just bad luck, keep trying man u will make bonk
  8. well u bot and spect not to get banned
  9. bot=ban so its not script fault its urs man
  10. hey man i can open the script on the client please check it (sorry my mistake it was y computer)
  11. PKDealer

    Hunting acc

    Selling this two
  12. this game is for retards, but retards buy our gold so np for me
  13. i deserve this cuz i squat 3 times my body weight
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