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soulja boy

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Everything posted by soulja boy

  1. thanks bro, really waiting this, love the idea
  2. something is weird with this. work with a name with caps ex: OSBOT B0T (with a zero) but don't work with a username like: abc ags 20m edit: also sometimes fails to bank, it just stand there without moving and will only re-bank if i move it.
  3. attacker dont atk, just stay there.
  4. title say all need 2-3 account with tutorial ready. or 2-3 accounts with 20-30 magic. i don't care about the rest skills I'll of course pay first post your prices
  5. what program do you use to record/play?
  6. package com.script; import com.script.data.Food; import com.script.util.Stopwatch; import com.script.util.XPTracker; import java.awt.Graphics2D; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import org.osbot.rs07.api.Camera; import org.osbot.rs07.api.Combat; import org.osbot.rs07.api.Dialogues; import org.osbot.rs07.api.Equipment; import org.osbot.rs07.api.Inventory; import org.osbot.rs07.api.Mouse; import org.osbot.rs07.api.Prayer; import org.osbot.rs07.api.Skills; import org.osbot.rs07.api.Tabs; import org.osbot.rs07.api.Walking; import org.osbot.rs07.api.def.ItemDefinition; import org.osbot.rs07.api.map.Position; import org.osbot.rs07.api.model.GroundItem; import org.osbot.rs07.api.model.Item; import org.osbot.rs07.api.model.NPC; import org.osbot.rs07.api.model.Player; import org.osbot.rs07.api.model.RS2Object; import org.osbot.rs07.api.ui.EquipmentSlot; import org.osbot.rs07.api.ui.Message; import org.osbot.rs07.api.ui.PrayerButton; import org.osbot.rs07.api.ui.Skill; import org.osbot.rs07.api.ui.Tab; import org.osbot.rs07.event.WalkingEvent; @org.osbot.rs07.script.ScriptManifest(author="SwiffyP", info="Dwarf cannon support. Kills specified targets. Great antiban.", name="AIOCannonKiller", version=0.3D, logo="https://i.gyazo.com/18548983784d507f8954aa270646fb08.jpg") public class AIOCannonKiller extends org.osbot.rs07.script.Script { private Preferences preferences = new Preferences(); private XPTracker xpTrack; public Preferences getPreferences() { return preferences; } private NPC target; private ScriptStatus status; private com.script.gui.Gui gui; private java.awt.Font font; private long run_time; public boolean start; private Stopwatch talk_timer; private Stopwatch cannon_timer; private int ammunition_id; private GroundItem item_pickup; private String status_string = ""; private Position start_pos; private int targetFindCounter; private boolean specialAttack; private static final Skill[] melee_combat_stats = { Skill.STRENGTH, Skill.ATTACK, Skill.DEFENCE }; private Position cannonPosition; private boolean fire_cannon; private boolean repair_cannon; public AIOCannonKiller() throws InterruptedException { gui = new com.script.gui.Gui(this); gui.setVisible(true); } public void onStart() { run_time = System.currentTimeMillis(); status = ScriptStatus.AWAIT_GUI_INPUT; font = new java.awt.Font("Serif", 1, 12); talk_timer = new Stopwatch().reset(); cannon_timer = new Stopwatch().reset(); xpTrack = new XPTracker(this, Skill.values()); xpTrack.start(); start_pos = myPlayer().getPosition(); } public void pause() { if ((getBot().getRandomExecutor().getTimeUntilBreak() <= 1) && (pickupCannon())) { try { sleep(500L); while (myPlayer().isMoving()) { sleep(500L); } sleep(100L); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } public void onMessage(Message m) throws InterruptedException { String msg = m.getMessage().toLowerCase(); if (m.getType() == org.osbot.rs07.api.ui.Message.MessageType.PLAYER) { if ((msg.contains("bot")) && (talk_timer.elapsed(60000L))) { String response = "Can't chat atm"; if (random(5) == 1) { response = "Can't talk atm"; } keyboard.typeString(response, true); talk_timer.reset(); } } else if (m.getType() == org.osbot.rs07.api.ui.Message.MessageType.GAME) { if (msg.equals("there is no ammo left in your quiver.")) { stop(); return; } if (msg.equals("i can't reach that!")) { target = null; return; } if (preferences.useDwarfCannon()) { if (msg.equals("there isn't enough space to set up here.")) { preferences.setUseDwarfCannon(false); logger.debug("Could not setup cannon because the script was started in a bad place!"); walking.walk(start_pos); sleep(3000L); return; } if (msg.equals("your cannon is out of ammo!")) { fire_cannon = true; return; } if (msg.contains("you load the cannon")) { fire_cannon = false; return; } if (msg.contains("cannon is already firing")) { fire_cannon = false; return; } if (msg.contains("cannon has broken")) { repair_cannon = true; return; } if (msg.contains("you repair your cannon")) { repair_cannon = false; return; } if (msg.contains("you pick up the cannon")) { cannonPosition = null; return; } } if (preferences.isNightmareZone()) { if (msg.contains("a surge of special attack power")) { specialAttack = true; return; } if (msg.contains("surge of special attack power has ended")) { specialAttack = false; return; } } } } public int onLoop() throws InterruptedException { if (!start) { status_string = "Waiting for GUI Input"; return 400; } try { status = getStatus(); if ((!settings.isRunning()) && (random(20) == 5) && (settings.getRunEnergy() >= 40 + random(20))) { status_string = "Toggle Run"; settings.setRunning(true); sleep(random(100, 200)); } eat(false); handlePrayer(); if (!combat.isAutoRetaliateOn()) { status_string = "Activate Auto Retaliate"; combat.toggleAutoRetaliate(true); } if (equipment.isWearingItem(EquipmentSlot.ARROWS)) { Item arrow = equipment.getItemInSlot(ARROWSslot); if (preferences.pickupAmmunition()) { ammunition_id = arrow.getId(); if (!preferences.getLoot().contains(arrow.getName())) { preferences.getLoot().add(arrow.getName()); } } if ((inventory.contains(new int[] { arrow.getId() })) && (random(10) <= 2)) { status_string = "Equip Ammunition"; inventory.interact("Wield", new int[] { arrow.getId() }); sleep(random(500, 800)); } } if (preferences.lootAndBuryBones()) { if (!preferences.getLoot().contains("Bones")) { preferences.getLoot().add("Bones"); } if ((inventory.contains(new String[] { "Bones" })) && (random(10) <= 2)) { status_string = "Bury Bones"; inventory.interact("Bury", new String[] { "Bones" }); sleep(random(500, 800)); } } if (preferences.isNightmareZone()) { handleBoosts(); if (statBoostNeeded()) { status_string = "Drink Overload"; potionHandler("Overload ", "Drink"); sleep(350L); } } if ((preferences.isCombatPotions()) && ( (getSkills().getDynamic(Skill.ATTACK) == getSkills().getStatic(Skill.ATTACK)) || (getSkills().getDynamic(Skill.STRENGTH) == getSkills().getStatic(Skill.STRENGTH)))) { potionHandler("Combat potion", "Drink"); sleep(450L); } if ((preferences.isSuperDefencePotions()) && (getSkills().getDynamic(Skill.DEFENCE) == getSkills().getStatic(Skill.DEFENCE))) { potionHandler("Super defence", "Drink"); sleep(450L); } String name; if (combat.isPoisoned()) { for (Item item : inventory.getItems()) if (item != null) { name = item.getName().toLowerCase(); if ((name.contains("poison")) || (name.contains("antidote"))) { String potionName = name.substring(0, name.length() - 3); potionHandler(potionName, "Drink"); break; } } sleep(450L); } boolean hasEnergy = false; String specWeapon = preferences.getSpecialWeapon(); if (specWeapon != null) { if ((specWeapon.equals("Magic shortbow")) || (specWeapon.equals("Magic shortbow (i)"))) { hasEnergy = combat.getSpecialPercentage() >= 55; } else if (specWeapon.equals("Toxic blowpipe")) { hasEnergy = combat.getSpecialPercentage() >= 50; } else if (specWeapon.equals("Dragon scimitar")) { hasEnergy = combat.getSpecialPercentage() >= 55; } else if (specWeapon.equals("Dragon dagger(p++)")) { hasEnergy = combat.getSpecialPercentage() >= 25; } else if (specWeapon.equals("Granite maul")) { hasEnergy = combat.getSpecialPercentage() >= 50; } else if (specWeapon.equals("Saradomin sword")) { hasEnergy = combat.getSpecialPercentage() >= 100; } else if (specWeapon.equals("Abyssal whip")) { hasEnergy = combat.getSpecialPercentage() >= 55; } if (hasEnergy) if (!inventory.contains(new String[] { specWeapon })) { if (!equipment.contains(new String[] { specWeapon })) {} } else { if (random(5) != 1) break label965; specialAttack = true; break label965; } specialAttack = false; label965: if (specialAttack) { status_string = "Special Attacks"; if (equipment.isWearingItem(EquipmentSlot.WEAPON, preferences.getOrdinaryWeapon())) { if (inventory.contains(new String[] { specWeapon })) { inventory.interact("Wield", new String[] { specWeapon }); sleep(100 + random(80)); } } if (getTabs().getOpen() != Tab.ATTACK) { getTabs().open(Tab.ATTACK); } if (!combat.isSpecialActivated()) { combat.toggleSpecialAttack(true); sleep(150 + random(100)); } } else if (equipment.isWearingItem(EquipmentSlot.WEAPON, specWeapon)) { inventory.interact("Wield", new String[] { preferences.getOrdinaryWeapon() }); sleep(50 + random(80)); } } switch (status) { case FIRE_CANNON: if (item_pickup.exists()) { status_string = "Pickup Item"; item_pickup.interact(new String[] { "Take" }); sleep(420 + random(80)); while (myPlayer().isMoving()) { sleep(450L); } } break; case ANTIBAN: status_string = "Waiting for GUI Input"; break; case ATTACK_TARGET: status_string = "Closing Dialogue.."; if (dialogues.isPendingOption()) { dialogues.selectOption(random(2)); } else { dialogues.clickContinue(); } break; case FIGHTING: status_string = "Attacking Target.."; if (!validTarget(target)) { resetTarget(); } else if (!myPlayer().isInteracting(target)) { if (random(5) == 1) { camera.toEntity(target); } else if (random(10) == 2) { camera.moveYaw(random(180)); } target.interact(new String[] { "Attack" }); int random = random(21); if (random <= 3) { mouse.moveOutsideScreen(); } else if (random <= 6) { mouse.move(random(300), random(300)); } else if (random <= 15) { mouse.move(random(30), random(30)); } sleep(300L); while (myPlayer().isMoving()) { sleep(500L); } handleSafeSpot(); } break; case CLOSE_DIALOGUE: if (preferences.getTargets().size() > 0) { status_string = "Finding Target.."; boolean flag = false; if (myPlayer().isUnderAttack()) { for (NPC npc : npcs.getAll()) { if ((npc.isInteracting(myPlayer())) && (validTarget(npc))) { target = npc; flag = true; break; } } } if (!flag) { NPC closest = null; int lowest = Integer.MAX_VALUE; for (NPC npc : getNpcs().getAll()) { int distance = npc.getPosition().distance(myPosition()); if (validTarget(npc)) { if (distance < lowest) { closest = npc; lowest = distance; } } } target = closest; if (target != null) { if (target.getDefinition().getName().toLowerCase().equals("sandy rocks")) { status_string = "Walking to crab.."; WalkingEvent walk = new WalkingEvent(target.getPosition()); walk.setMinDistanceThreshold(0); walk.setBreakCondition(new org.osbot.rs07.utility.Condition() { public boolean evaluate() { return myPosition().distance(target.getPosition()) <= 1; } }); execute(walk); sleep(300L); while (myPlayer().isMoving()) { sleep(500L); } sleep(random(1500, 2000)); if (!myPlayer().isUnderAttack()) { status_string = "Aggression reset!"; walking.webWalk(new Position[] { new Position(myPosition().getX() - 25 - random(5), myPosition().getY() + 25 + random(5), myPosition().getZ()) }); while (myPlayer().isMoving()) { sleep(500L); } walking.webWalk(new Position[] { start_pos }); while (myPlayer().isMoving()) { sleep(500L); } } target = null; } targetFindCounter = 0; } else { if (targetFindCounter >= 5) { walking.webWalk(new Position[] { start_pos }); sleep(4000L); targetFindCounter = 0; getCamera().moveYaw(random(360)); } targetFindCounter += 1; } } } else { status_string = "No targets specified in GUI. Auto-retaliate and/or Cannon dependant!"; } break; case FIND_TARGET: status_string = "Fighting.."; handleSafeSpot(); break; case PICKUP_CANNON: case SETUP_CANNON: sleep(random(200)); String action = ""; if (status == ScriptStatus.FIRE_CANNON) { action = "Fire"; interactCannon(action, false); } else if (status == ScriptStatus.REPAIR_CANNON) { action = "Repair"; interactCannon(action, true); } status_string = (action + " Cannon"); sleep(300L); while (myPlayer().isMoving()) { sleep(500L); } sleep(700L); break; case PICKING_UP_LOOT: Item cannon_base = inventory.getItem(new int[] { 6 }); if (cannon_base != null) { status_string = "Set-up Cannon"; cannon_base.interact(new String[] { "Set-up" }); sleep(random(9000, 10000)); interactCannon("Fire", false); } break; case REPAIR_CANNON: status_string = "Pick-up Cannon"; if (inventory.getEmptySlots() >= 4) { if (pickupCannon()) { sleep(250L); while (myPlayer().isMoving()) { sleep(500L); } sleep(100L); preferences.setUseDwarfCannon(false); cannonPosition = null; } } else if (preferences.getFood() != Food.NONE) { eat(true); } break; case AWAIT_GUI_INPUT: int s = random(0, 7); status_string = ("Performing Antiban number " + s); switch (s) { case 1: if (random(5) <= 2) { mouse.moveOutsideScreen(); } sleep(random(5500, 6000)); break; case 2: getCamera().moveYaw(random(360)); break; case 3: if (random(3) == 1) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < random(15); i++) { char c = Static.CHARACTERS[random(Static.CHARACTERS.length - 1)]; sb.append(c); } getKeyboard().typeString(sb.toString(), false); } break; case 4: if (random(5) <= 2) { mouse.move(random(100), random(100)); } break; case 5: getTabs().open(Tab.ATTACK); break; case 6: getSkills().hoverSkill(Skill.forId(random(0, Skill.values().length - 1))); break; case 7: getTabs().open(Tab.forId(random(0, Tab.values().length - 1))); } sleep(random(500, 900)); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return 400 + random(80); } public boolean validTarget(NPC npc) { boolean properTarget = false; for (String t : preferences.getTargets()) { if ((preferences.getTargets().contains("rock crab")) || (preferences.getTargets().contains("sand crab"))) { if ((npc.getDefinition().getName().toLowerCase().equals("sandy rocks")) || (npc.getDefinition().getName().toLowerCase().equals("sand crab"))) { properTarget = true; } } else if (npc.getDefinition().getName().toLowerCase().contains(t)) { properTarget = true; break; } } if (!properTarget) { return false; } if (npc.getHealthPercent() <= 0) { return false; } if (!npc.exists()) { return false; } if (!npc.isOnScreen()) { return false; } if (!map.canReach(npc)) { return false; } if ((npc.getInteracting() != null) && (npc.getInteracting() != myPlayer())) { return false; } return true; } public void resetTarget() { target = null; } public void eat(boolean force) throws InterruptedException { boolean flag = false; if (preferences.getFood() != Food.NONE) { if ((myPlayer().getHealthPercent() <= 50) || (force)) { if (inventory.contains(new int[] { preferences.getFood().item })) { status_string = "Eat"; inventory.interact("Eat", new int[] { preferences.getFood().item }); sleep(random(700, 900)); flag = true; } } } if ((inventory.contains(new String[] { "Edible seaweed" })) && (myPlayer().getHealthPercent() <= 80) && (random(20) <= 8)) { status_string = "Eat Seaweed"; inventory.interact("Eat", new String[] { "Edible seaweed" }); sleep(random(700, 900)); flag = true; } if (!flag) { if ((preferences.getOverheads() != com.script.data.Overheads.NONE) && (preferences.usePrayerPots()) && (skills.getDynamic(Skill.PRAYER) > 0)) { return; } if (myPlayer().getHealthPercent() <= 50) { if (preferences.getTeleport() != com.script.data.SafetyTeleport.NONE) { if (inventory.contains(new int[] { preferences.getTeleport().getId() })) { status_string = "Teleport"; if (pickupCannon()) { sleep(500L); while (myPlayer().isMoving()) { sleep(500L); } sleep(100L); } inventory.interact("Break", new int[] { preferences.getTeleport().getId() }); sleep(8000L); stop(); return; } } if (pickupCannon()) { sleep(500L); while (myPlayer().isMoving()) { sleep(500L); } sleep(100L); } stop(); } } } public void handlePrayer() throws InterruptedException { if ((preferences.usePrayerPots()) && (skills.getDynamic(Skill.PRAYER) <= 15 + random(5))) { status_string = "Drink Prayer Pot"; potionHandler("Prayer potion", "Drink"); sleep(200L); } if ((preferences.getOverheads() != com.script.data.Overheads.NONE) && (skills.getDynamic(Skill.PRAYER) > 0)) { status_string = "Activate Overhead Prayer"; switch (preferences.getOverheads()) { case PROTECT_FROM_MELEE: if ((!prayer.isActivated(PrayerButton.PROTECT_FROM_MAGIC)) && (prayer.hasLevelFor(PrayerButton.PROTECT_FROM_MAGIC))) { prayer.set(PrayerButton.PROTECT_FROM_MAGIC, true); } break; case PROTECT_FROM_MISSILES: if ((!prayer.isActivated(PrayerButton.PROTECT_FROM_MELEE)) && (prayer.hasLevelFor(PrayerButton.PROTECT_FROM_MELEE))) { prayer.set(PrayerButton.PROTECT_FROM_MELEE, true); } break; case PROTECT_FROM_MAGIC: if ((!prayer.isActivated(PrayerButton.PROTECT_FROM_MISSILES)) && (prayer.hasLevelFor(PrayerButton.PROTECT_FROM_MISSILES))) { prayer.set(PrayerButton.PROTECT_FROM_MISSILES, true); } break; } } } public void potionHandler(String potionName, String potionInteraction) { for (int i = 1; i <= 4; i++) { if (inventory.contains(new String[] { potionName + "(" + i + ")" })) { inventory.interact(inventory.getSlot(new String[] { potionName + "(" + i + ")" }), new String[] { potionInteraction }); break; } } } public boolean pickupCannon() { if (preferences.useDwarfCannon()) { if (inventory.contains(new int[] { 12 })) if (inventory.contains(new int[] { 6 })) if (inventory.contains(new int[] { 8 })) if (inventory.contains(new int[] { 10 })) break label100; interactCannon("Pick-up", repair_cannon); cannonPosition = null; return true; } label100: return false; } public void onPaint(Graphics2D g) { try { g.setFont(font); g.setColor(java.awt.Color.CYAN); g.drawString("Version: " + getVersion(), 7, 42); g.drawString("Status: " + status_string, 7, 60); g.drawString("Runtime: " + getRuntimeFormat(System.currentTimeMillis() - run_time), 7, 80); xpTrack.refresh(); int y = 110; for (Skill skill : Skill.values()) { if (xpTrack.getGainedExperience(skill) > 0) { int current = xpTrack.getSkillLevel(skill); int gained = xpTrack.getGainedLevels(skill); y += 30; g.drawString(skill.name(), 4, y); y += 20; g.drawString("Level: " + current + " (+" + gained + ")", 4, y); y += 20; g.drawString("Remaining XP: " + insertCommasToNumber(new StringBuilder().append(xpTrack.getExperienceLeft(skill)).toString()) + " (" + timeTolevel(xpTrack.getTimeLeft(skill)) + ")", 4, y); y += 20; g.drawString("Gained XP: " + insertCommasToNumber(new StringBuilder().append(xpTrack.getGainedExperience(skill)).toString()) + " (" + insertCommasToNumber(new StringBuilder().append((int)xpTrack.getExperiencePerHour(skill)).toString()) + " per hour)", 4, y); } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } private void interactCannon(String action, boolean broken_cannon) { RS2Object cannon = getCannonObject(broken_cannon); if (cannon != null) { cannon.interact(new String[] { action }); } } private boolean repairCannon() { if (repair_cannon) { return true; } RS2Object cannon = getCannonObject(true); if (cannon != null) { return cannon.hasAction(new String[] { "Repair" }); } return false; } private RS2Object getCannonObject(boolean broken_cannon) { if (cannonPosition == null) { RS2Object cannon = (RS2Object)objects.closest(new int[] { broken_cannon ? '㩄' : 6 }); if (cannon != null) { cannonPosition = cannon.getPosition(); } return cannon; } for (RS2Object obj : objects.get(cannonPosition.getX(), cannonPosition.getY())) { if (broken_cannon) { if (obj.getId() == 14916) { return obj; } } else if (obj.getId() == 6) { return obj; } } return null; } private void handleBoosts() throws InterruptedException { for (RS2Object obj : objects.getAll()) { if (obj != null) { if (obj.hasAction(new String[] { "Activate" })) { String name = obj.getName().toLowerCase(); if ((name.contains("zapper")) || (name.contains("recurrent")) || (name.contains("power"))) { status_string = "Activate Nightmare Zone Boost"; if (random(5) == 1) { camera.toEntity(obj); } else if (random(10) == 2) { camera.moveYaw(random(180)); } obj.interact(new String[] { "Activate" }); sleep(200L); while (myPlayer().isMoving()) { sleep(500L); } } } } } } private boolean statBoostNeeded() { for (Skill skill : melee_combat_stats) { if (getSkills().getDynamic(skill) == getSkills().getStatic(skill)) { return true; } } return false; } private void handleSafeSpot() { if ((preferences.getSafeSpotPosition() != null) && (!myPlayer().getPosition().equals(preferences.getSafeSpotPosition())) && (myPlayer().isHitBarVisible())) { status_string = "Safe-spot setup.."; WalkingEvent ev = new WalkingEvent(preferences.getSafeSpotPosition()); ev.setMinDistanceThreshold(1); ev.setBreakCondition(new org.osbot.rs07.utility.Condition() { public boolean evaluate() { return !myPlayer().isHitBarVisible(); } }); execute(ev); } } private ScriptStatus getStatus() { if ((dialogues.isPendingContinuation()) || (dialogues.isPendingOption())) { return ScriptStatus.CLOSE_DIALOGUE; } if (random(45) == 5) { return ScriptStatus.ANTIBAN; } if (preferences.useDwarfCannon()) { if (inventory.contains(new int[] { 12 })) if (inventory.contains(new int[] { 6 })) if (inventory.contains(new int[] { 8 })) { if (inventory.contains(new int[] { 10 })) { return ScriptStatus.SETUP_CANNON; } } if (repairCannon()) { return ScriptStatus.REPAIR_CANNON; } if ((!fire_cannon) && (cannon_timer.elapsed(15000L)) && (random(30) == 1)) { cannon_timer.reset(); } if (fire_cannon) { if (inventory.getAmount(new int[] { 2 }) <= 0L) { return ScriptStatus.PICKUP_CANNON; } return ScriptStatus.FIRE_CANNON; } } if ((myPlayer().isInteracting(target)) || (myPlayer().isUnderAttack())) { return ScriptStatus.FIGHTING; } Iterator localIterator2; label481: for (Iterator localIterator1 = groundItems.getAll().iterator(); localIterator1.hasNext(); localIterator2.hasNext()) { GroundItem d = (GroundItem)localIterator1.next(); if ((!d.exists()) || (!d.isOnScreen()) || (!d.isVisible()) || (!map.canReach(d))) { break label481; } localIterator2 = preferences.getLoot().iterator(); continue;String itemName = (String)localIterator2.next(); if (d.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(itemName)) { if (inventory.isFull()) { if (stackable(d.getDefinition())) { if (!inventory.contains(new int[] { d.getId() })) {} } } else if ((!preferences.pickupAmmunition()) || (d.getId() != ammunition_id) || (d.getAmount() >= 3)) { if ((!preferences.lootAndBuryBones()) || (d.getId() != 526) || (d.getPosition().distance(myPosition()) <= 1)) { if (d.getPosition().distance(myPosition()) <= 4) { item_pickup = d; return ScriptStatus.PICKING_UP_LOOT; } } } } } if ((target == null) || (target.getHealthPercent() <= 0)) { return ScriptStatus.FIND_TARGET; } return ScriptStatus.ATTACK_TARGET; } private static enum ScriptStatus { AWAIT_GUI_INPUT, CLOSE_DIALOGUE, ANTIBAN, FIND_TARGET, ATTACK_TARGET, FIGHTING, PICKING_UP_LOOT, SETUP_CANNON, FIRE_CANNON, PICKUP_CANNON, REPAIR_CANNON; } private final String insertCommasToNumber(String number) { return insertCommasToNumber(number.substring(0, number.length() - 3)) + "," + number.substring(number.length() - 3, number.length()); } private final String getRuntimeFormat(long totalPlayTime) { int sec = (int)(totalPlayTime / 1000L);int h = sec / 3600;int m = sec / 60 % 60;int s = sec % 60; return (h < 10 ? "0" + h : Integer.valueOf(h)) + ":" + (m < 10 ? "0" + m : Integer.valueOf(m)) + ":" + (s < 10 ? "0" + s : Integer.valueOf(s)); } private final String timeTolevel(long duration) { String res = ""; long days = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toDays(duration); long hours = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toHours(duration) - TimeUnit.DAYS.toHours(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toDays(duration)); long minutes = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toMinutes(duration) - TimeUnit.HOURS.toMinutes(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS .toHours(duration)); long seconds = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(duration) - TimeUnit.MINUTES.toSeconds(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS .toMinutes(duration)); if (days == 0L) { res = hours + ":" + minutes + ":" + seconds; } else { res = days + ":" + hours + ":" + minutes + ":" + seconds; } return res; } public boolean stackable(ItemDefinition def) { String name = def.getName().toLowerCase(); if ((name.endsWith(" arrow")) || (name.endsWith(" bolts")) || (name.endsWith(" rune"))) { return true; } if (def.isNoted()) { return true; } return false; } }
  7. will check right now edit: nope, only 1 script
  8. Sure I will! but I'm training combat right now thanks you sir
  9. the thing is that I did it. I would be so happy if you could help me bro edit: that's the script I'm trying to fix. The script fails when it gets on random antiban number 6. I ddecompiled the jar, fixed on eclipse, compiled back and still don't show
  10. the problem itself is not a code problem the script get frozen when the random number(1-9) get a 6, this active the antiban number 6 wich trigg the script and make it freeze. I fixed it so easy, removing the line itself so nothing will happen. but the script just don't show up and ofc i deleted the previous one
  11. what you mean with readd edit: if you mean lead, bro I already did
  12. i'll be short. there is a script that won't get updated cuz the owner don't play anymore and don't come to the forum. The script works but fails in a exact momment and i figured it out. so i tried to decopile it and re-copile it back fixing the error but now the script don't show in the script selector if someone could explain me if i did something wrong or explain me how to correctly fix the problem i would be very happy and would post the script
  13. hey there first I have no idea where to post this so let say I have someone's script in jar but I don't trust him or i want to check his code so I can learn about scripting. how can I do this? i read something about eclipse but didnt manage it
  14. 4500K hand done in few hours
  15. seems like it's broken it select to auto-cast with def.
  16. this shit just got me 7 def on my pure. don't use
  17. out of topic, why 20 def can someone tell me the gains getting 20 def?
  18. well last night, my brother left my 60 atk pure splashing but he didn't notice that he left it training def now he ruined my pure. the account has mainly pure quests dones (monkey madness and so on) so I don't want to lose the account but I never had a berzerker pure before. what are the main quests I need to do? it has 43 pray.
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