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soulja boy

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  1. thanks bro, really waiting this, love the idea
  2. something is weird with this. work with a name with caps ex: OSBOT B0T (with a zero) but don't work with a username like: abc ags 20m edit: also sometimes fails to bank, it just stand there without moving and will only re-bank if i move it.
  3. attacker dont atk, just stay there.
  4. title say all need 2-3 account with tutorial ready. or 2-3 accounts with 20-30 magic. i don't care about the rest skills I'll of course pay first post your prices
  5. what program do you use to record/play?
  6. package com.script; import com.script.data.Food; import com.script.util.Stopwatch; import com.script.util.XPTracker; import java.awt.Graphics2D; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import org.osbot.rs07.api.Camera; import org.osbot.rs07.api.Combat; import org.osbot.rs07.api.Dialogues; import org.osbot.rs07.api.Equipment; import org.osbot.rs07.api.Inventory; import org.osbot.rs07.api.Mouse; import org.osbot.rs07.api.Prayer; import org.osbot.rs07.api.Skills; import org.osbot.rs07.api.Tabs; import org.osbot.rs07.api.Walking; import org.osbot.rs07.api.def.ItemDefinition; import org.osbot.rs07.api.map.Position; import org.osbot.rs07.api.model.GroundItem; import org.osbot.rs07.api.model.Item; import org.osbot.rs07.api.model.NPC; import org.osbot.rs07.api.model.Player; import org.osbot.rs07.api.model.RS2Object; import org.osbot.rs07.api.ui.EquipmentSlot; import org.osbot.rs07.api.ui.Message; import org.osbot.rs07.api.ui.PrayerButton; import org.osbot.rs07.api.ui.Skill; import org.osbot.rs07.api.ui.Tab; import org.osbot.rs07.event.WalkingEvent; @org.osbot.rs07.script.ScriptManifest(author="SwiffyP", info="Dwarf cannon support. Kills specified targets. Great antiban.", name="AIOCannonKiller", version=0.3D, logo="https://i.gyazo.com/18548983784d507f8954aa270646fb08.jpg") public class AIOCannonKiller extends org.osbot.rs07.script.Script { private Preferences preferences = new Preferences(); private XPTracker xpTrack; public Preferences getPreferences() { return preferences; } private NPC target; private ScriptStatus status; private com.script.gui.Gui gui; private java.awt.Font font; private long run_time; public boolean start; private Stopwatch talk_timer; private Stopwatch cannon_timer; private int ammunition_id; private GroundItem item_pickup; private String status_string = ""; private Position start_pos; private int targetFindCounter; private boolean specialAttack; private static final Skill[] melee_combat_stats = { Skill.STRENGTH, Skill.ATTACK, Skill.DEFENCE }; private Position cannonPosition; private boolean fire_cannon; private boolean repair_cannon; public AIOCannonKiller() throws InterruptedException { gui = new com.script.gui.Gui(this); gui.setVisible(true); } public void onStart() { run_time = System.currentTimeMillis(); status = ScriptStatus.AWAIT_GUI_INPUT; font = new java.awt.Font("Serif", 1, 12); talk_timer = new Stopwatch().reset(); cannon_timer = new Stopwatch().reset(); xpTrack = new XPTracker(this, Skill.values()); xpTrack.start(); start_pos = myPlayer().getPosition(); } public void pause() { if ((getBot().getRandomExecutor().getTimeUntilBreak() <= 1) && (pickupCannon())) { try { sleep(500L); while (myPlayer().isMoving()) { sleep(500L); } sleep(100L); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } public void onMessage(Message m) throws InterruptedException { String msg = m.getMessage().toLowerCase(); if (m.getType() == org.osbot.rs07.api.ui.Message.MessageType.PLAYER) { if ((msg.contains("bot")) && (talk_timer.elapsed(60000L))) { String response = "Can't chat atm"; if (random(5) == 1) { response = "Can't talk atm"; } keyboard.typeString(response, true); talk_timer.reset(); } } else if (m.getType() == org.osbot.rs07.api.ui.Message.MessageType.GAME) { if (msg.equals("there is no ammo left in your quiver.")) { stop(); return; } if (msg.equals("i can't reach that!")) { target = null; return; } if (preferences.useDwarfCannon()) { if (msg.equals("there isn't enough space to set up here.")) { preferences.setUseDwarfCannon(false); logger.debug("Could not setup cannon because the script was started in a bad place!"); walking.walk(start_pos); sleep(3000L); return; } if (msg.equals("your cannon is out of ammo!")) { fire_cannon = true; return; } if (msg.contains("you load the cannon")) { fire_cannon = false; return; } if (msg.contains("cannon is already firing")) { fire_cannon = false; return; } if (msg.contains("cannon has broken")) { repair_cannon = true; return; } if (msg.contains("you repair your cannon")) { repair_cannon = false; return; } if (msg.contains("you pick up the cannon")) { cannonPosition = null; return; } } if (preferences.isNightmareZone()) { if (msg.contains("a surge of special attack power")) { specialAttack = true; return; } if (msg.contains("surge of special attack power has ended")) { specialAttack = false; return; } } } } public int onLoop() throws InterruptedException { if (!start) { status_string = "Waiting for GUI Input"; return 400; } try { status = getStatus(); if ((!settings.isRunning()) && (random(20) == 5) && (settings.getRunEnergy() >= 40 + random(20))) { status_string = "Toggle Run"; settings.setRunning(true); sleep(random(100, 200)); } eat(false); handlePrayer(); if (!combat.isAutoRetaliateOn()) { status_string = "Activate Auto Retaliate"; combat.toggleAutoRetaliate(true); } if (equipment.isWearingItem(EquipmentSlot.ARROWS)) { Item arrow = equipment.getItemInSlot(ARROWSslot); if (preferences.pickupAmmunition()) { ammunition_id = arrow.getId(); if (!preferences.getLoot().contains(arrow.getName())) { preferences.getLoot().add(arrow.getName()); } } if ((inventory.contains(new int[] { arrow.getId() })) && (random(10) <= 2)) { status_string = "Equip Ammunition"; inventory.interact("Wield", new int[] { arrow.getId() }); sleep(random(500, 800)); } } if (preferences.lootAndBuryBones()) { if (!preferences.getLoot().contains("Bones")) { preferences.getLoot().add("Bones"); } if ((inventory.contains(new String[] { "Bones" })) && (random(10) <= 2)) { status_string = "Bury Bones"; inventory.interact("Bury", new String[] { "Bones" }); sleep(random(500, 800)); } } if (preferences.isNightmareZone()) { handleBoosts(); if (statBoostNeeded()) { status_string = "Drink Overload"; potionHandler("Overload ", "Drink"); sleep(350L); } } if ((preferences.isCombatPotions()) && ( (getSkills().getDynamic(Skill.ATTACK) == getSkills().getStatic(Skill.ATTACK)) || (getSkills().getDynamic(Skill.STRENGTH) == getSkills().getStatic(Skill.STRENGTH)))) { potionHandler("Combat potion", "Drink"); sleep(450L); } if ((preferences.isSuperDefencePotions()) && (getSkills().getDynamic(Skill.DEFENCE) == getSkills().getStatic(Skill.DEFENCE))) { potionHandler("Super defence", "Drink"); sleep(450L); } String name; if (combat.isPoisoned()) { for (Item item : inventory.getItems()) if (item != null) { name = item.getName().toLowerCase(); if ((name.contains("poison")) || (name.contains("antidote"))) { String potionName = name.substring(0, name.length() - 3); potionHandler(potionName, "Drink"); break; } } sleep(450L); } boolean hasEnergy = false; String specWeapon = preferences.getSpecialWeapon(); if (specWeapon != null) { if ((specWeapon.equals("Magic shortbow")) || (specWeapon.equals("Magic shortbow (i)"))) { hasEnergy = combat.getSpecialPercentage() >= 55; } else if (specWeapon.equals("Toxic blowpipe")) { hasEnergy = combat.getSpecialPercentage() >= 50; } else if (specWeapon.equals("Dragon scimitar")) { hasEnergy = combat.getSpecialPercentage() >= 55; } else if (specWeapon.equals("Dragon dagger(p++)")) { hasEnergy = combat.getSpecialPercentage() >= 25; } else if (specWeapon.equals("Granite maul")) { hasEnergy = combat.getSpecialPercentage() >= 50; } else if (specWeapon.equals("Saradomin sword")) { hasEnergy = combat.getSpecialPercentage() >= 100; } else if (specWeapon.equals("Abyssal whip")) { hasEnergy = combat.getSpecialPercentage() >= 55; } if (hasEnergy) if (!inventory.contains(new String[] { specWeapon })) { if (!equipment.contains(new String[] { specWeapon })) {} } else { if (random(5) != 1) break label965; specialAttack = true; break label965; } specialAttack = false; label965: if (specialAttack) { status_string = "Special Attacks"; if (equipment.isWearingItem(EquipmentSlot.WEAPON, preferences.getOrdinaryWeapon())) { if (inventory.contains(new String[] { specWeapon })) { inventory.interact("Wield", new String[] { specWeapon }); sleep(100 + random(80)); } } if (getTabs().getOpen() != Tab.ATTACK) { getTabs().open(Tab.ATTACK); } if (!combat.isSpecialActivated()) { combat.toggleSpecialAttack(true); sleep(150 + random(100)); } } else if (equipment.isWearingItem(EquipmentSlot.WEAPON, specWeapon)) { inventory.interact("Wield", new String[] { preferences.getOrdinaryWeapon() }); sleep(50 + random(80)); } } switch (status) { case FIRE_CANNON: if (item_pickup.exists()) { status_string = "Pickup Item"; item_pickup.interact(new String[] { "Take" }); sleep(420 + random(80)); while (myPlayer().isMoving()) { sleep(450L); } } break; case ANTIBAN: status_string = "Waiting for GUI Input"; break; case ATTACK_TARGET: status_string = "Closing Dialogue.."; if (dialogues.isPendingOption()) { dialogues.selectOption(random(2)); } else { dialogues.clickContinue(); } break; case FIGHTING: status_string = "Attacking Target.."; if (!validTarget(target)) { resetTarget(); } else if (!myPlayer().isInteracting(target)) { if (random(5) == 1) { camera.toEntity(target); } else if (random(10) == 2) { camera.moveYaw(random(180)); } target.interact(new String[] { "Attack" }); int random = random(21); if (random <= 3) { mouse.moveOutsideScreen(); } else if (random <= 6) { mouse.move(random(300), random(300)); } else if (random <= 15) { mouse.move(random(30), random(30)); } sleep(300L); while (myPlayer().isMoving()) { sleep(500L); } handleSafeSpot(); } break; case CLOSE_DIALOGUE: if (preferences.getTargets().size() > 0) { status_string = "Finding Target.."; boolean flag = false; if (myPlayer().isUnderAttack()) { for (NPC npc : npcs.getAll()) { if ((npc.isInteracting(myPlayer())) && (validTarget(npc))) { target = npc; flag = true; break; } } } if (!flag) { NPC closest = null; int lowest = Integer.MAX_VALUE; for (NPC npc : getNpcs().getAll()) { int distance = npc.getPosition().distance(myPosition()); if (validTarget(npc)) { if (distance < lowest) { closest = npc; lowest = distance; } } } target = closest; if (target != null) { if (target.getDefinition().getName().toLowerCase().equals("sandy rocks")) { status_string = "Walking to crab.."; WalkingEvent walk = new WalkingEvent(target.getPosition()); walk.setMinDistanceThreshold(0); walk.setBreakCondition(new org.osbot.rs07.utility.Condition() { public boolean evaluate() { return myPosition().distance(target.getPosition()) <= 1; } }); execute(walk); sleep(300L); while (myPlayer().isMoving()) { sleep(500L); } sleep(random(1500, 2000)); if (!myPlayer().isUnderAttack()) { status_string = "Aggression reset!"; walking.webWalk(new Position[] { new Position(myPosition().getX() - 25 - random(5), myPosition().getY() + 25 + random(5), myPosition().getZ()) }); while (myPlayer().isMoving()) { sleep(500L); } walking.webWalk(new Position[] { start_pos }); while (myPlayer().isMoving()) { sleep(500L); } } target = null; } targetFindCounter = 0; } else { if (targetFindCounter >= 5) { walking.webWalk(new Position[] { start_pos }); sleep(4000L); targetFindCounter = 0; getCamera().moveYaw(random(360)); } targetFindCounter += 1; } } } else { status_string = "No targets specified in GUI. Auto-retaliate and/or Cannon dependant!"; } break; case FIND_TARGET: status_string = "Fighting.."; handleSafeSpot(); break; case PICKUP_CANNON: case SETUP_CANNON: sleep(random(200)); String action = ""; if (status == ScriptStatus.FIRE_CANNON) { action = "Fire"; interactCannon(action, false); } else if (status == ScriptStatus.REPAIR_CANNON) { action = "Repair"; interactCannon(action, true); } status_string = (action + " Cannon"); sleep(300L); while (myPlayer().isMoving()) { sleep(500L); } sleep(700L); break; case PICKING_UP_LOOT: Item cannon_base = inventory.getItem(new int[] { 6 }); if (cannon_base != null) { status_string = "Set-up Cannon"; cannon_base.interact(new String[] { "Set-up" }); sleep(random(9000, 10000)); interactCannon("Fire", false); } break; case REPAIR_CANNON: status_string = "Pick-up Cannon"; if (inventory.getEmptySlots() >= 4) { if (pickupCannon()) { sleep(250L); while (myPlayer().isMoving()) { sleep(500L); } sleep(100L); preferences.setUseDwarfCannon(false); cannonPosition = null; } } else if (preferences.getFood() != Food.NONE) { eat(true); } break; case AWAIT_GUI_INPUT: int s = random(0, 7); status_string = ("Performing Antiban number " + s); switch (s) { case 1: if (random(5) <= 2) { mouse.moveOutsideScreen(); } sleep(random(5500, 6000)); break; case 2: getCamera().moveYaw(random(360)); break; case 3: if (random(3) == 1) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < random(15); i++) { char c = Static.CHARACTERS[random(Static.CHARACTERS.length - 1)]; sb.append(c); } getKeyboard().typeString(sb.toString(), false); } break; case 4: if (random(5) <= 2) { mouse.move(random(100), random(100)); } break; case 5: getTabs().open(Tab.ATTACK); break; case 6: getSkills().hoverSkill(Skill.forId(random(0, Skill.values().length - 1))); break; case 7: getTabs().open(Tab.forId(random(0, Tab.values().length - 1))); } sleep(random(500, 900)); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return 400 + random(80); } public boolean validTarget(NPC npc) { boolean properTarget = false; for (String t : preferences.getTargets()) { if ((preferences.getTargets().contains("rock crab")) || (preferences.getTargets().contains("sand crab"))) { if ((npc.getDefinition().getName().toLowerCase().equals("sandy rocks")) || (npc.getDefinition().getName().toLowerCase().equals("sand crab"))) { properTarget = true; } } else if (npc.getDefinition().getName().toLowerCase().contains(t)) { properTarget = true; break; } } if (!properTarget) { return false; } if (npc.getHealthPercent() <= 0) { return false; } if (!npc.exists()) { return false; } if (!npc.isOnScreen()) { return false; } if (!map.canReach(npc)) { return false; } if ((npc.getInteracting() != null) && (npc.getInteracting() != myPlayer())) { return false; } return true; } public void resetTarget() { target = null; } public void eat(boolean force) throws InterruptedException { boolean flag = false; if (preferences.getFood() != Food.NONE) { if ((myPlayer().getHealthPercent() <= 50) || (force)) { if (inventory.contains(new int[] { preferences.getFood().item })) { status_string = "Eat"; inventory.interact("Eat", new int[] { preferences.getFood().item }); sleep(random(700, 900)); flag = true; } } } if ((inventory.contains(new String[] { "Edible seaweed" })) && (myPlayer().getHealthPercent() <= 80) && (random(20) <= 8)) { status_string = "Eat Seaweed"; inventory.interact("Eat", new String[] { "Edible seaweed" }); sleep(random(700, 900)); flag = true; } if (!flag) { if ((preferences.getOverheads() != com.script.data.Overheads.NONE) && (preferences.usePrayerPots()) && (skills.getDynamic(Skill.PRAYER) > 0)) { return; } if (myPlayer().getHealthPercent() <= 50) { if (preferences.getTeleport() != com.script.data.SafetyTeleport.NONE) { if (inventory.contains(new int[] { preferences.getTeleport().getId() })) { status_string = "Teleport"; if (pickupCannon()) { sleep(500L); while (myPlayer().isMoving()) { sleep(500L); } sleep(100L); } inventory.interact("Break", new int[] { preferences.getTeleport().getId() }); sleep(8000L); stop(); return; } } if (pickupCannon()) { sleep(500L); while (myPlayer().isMoving()) { sleep(500L); } sleep(100L); } stop(); } } } public void handlePrayer() throws InterruptedException { if ((preferences.usePrayerPots()) && (skills.getDynamic(Skill.PRAYER) <= 15 + random(5))) { status_string = "Drink Prayer Pot"; potionHandler("Prayer potion", "Drink"); sleep(200L); } if ((preferences.getOverheads() != com.script.data.Overheads.NONE) && (skills.getDynamic(Skill.PRAYER) > 0)) { status_string = "Activate Overhead Prayer"; switch (preferences.getOverheads()) { case PROTECT_FROM_MELEE: if ((!prayer.isActivated(PrayerButton.PROTECT_FROM_MAGIC)) && (prayer.hasLevelFor(PrayerButton.PROTECT_FROM_MAGIC))) { prayer.set(PrayerButton.PROTECT_FROM_MAGIC, true); } break; case PROTECT_FROM_MISSILES: if ((!prayer.isActivated(PrayerButton.PROTECT_FROM_MELEE)) && (prayer.hasLevelFor(PrayerButton.PROTECT_FROM_MELEE))) { prayer.set(PrayerButton.PROTECT_FROM_MELEE, true); } break; case PROTECT_FROM_MAGIC: if ((!prayer.isActivated(PrayerButton.PROTECT_FROM_MISSILES)) && (prayer.hasLevelFor(PrayerButton.PROTECT_FROM_MISSILES))) { prayer.set(PrayerButton.PROTECT_FROM_MISSILES, true); } break; } } } public void potionHandler(String potionName, String potionInteraction) { for (int i = 1; i <= 4; i++) { if (inventory.contains(new String[] { potionName + "(" + i + ")" })) { inventory.interact(inventory.getSlot(new String[] { potionName + "(" + i + ")" }), new String[] { potionInteraction }); break; } } } public boolean pickupCannon() { if (preferences.useDwarfCannon()) { if (inventory.contains(new int[] { 12 })) if (inventory.contains(new int[] { 6 })) if (inventory.contains(new int[] { 8 })) if (inventory.contains(new int[] { 10 })) break label100; interactCannon("Pick-up", repair_cannon); cannonPosition = null; return true; } label100: return false; } public void onPaint(Graphics2D g) { try { g.setFont(font); g.setColor(java.awt.Color.CYAN); g.drawString("Version: " + getVersion(), 7, 42); g.drawString("Status: " + status_string, 7, 60); g.drawString("Runtime: " + getRuntimeFormat(System.currentTimeMillis() - run_time), 7, 80); xpTrack.refresh(); int y = 110; for (Skill skill : Skill.values()) { if (xpTrack.getGainedExperience(skill) > 0) { int current = xpTrack.getSkillLevel(skill); int gained = xpTrack.getGainedLevels(skill); y += 30; g.drawString(skill.name(), 4, y); y += 20; g.drawString("Level: " + current + " (+" + gained + ")", 4, y); y += 20; g.drawString("Remaining XP: " + insertCommasToNumber(new StringBuilder().append(xpTrack.getExperienceLeft(skill)).toString()) + " (" + timeTolevel(xpTrack.getTimeLeft(skill)) + ")", 4, y); y += 20; g.drawString("Gained XP: " + insertCommasToNumber(new StringBuilder().append(xpTrack.getGainedExperience(skill)).toString()) + " (" + insertCommasToNumber(new StringBuilder().append((int)xpTrack.getExperiencePerHour(skill)).toString()) + " per hour)", 4, y); } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } private void interactCannon(String action, boolean broken_cannon) { RS2Object cannon = getCannonObject(broken_cannon); if (cannon != null) { cannon.interact(new String[] { action }); } } private boolean repairCannon() { if (repair_cannon) { return true; } RS2Object cannon = getCannonObject(true); if (cannon != null) { return cannon.hasAction(new String[] { "Repair" }); } return false; } private RS2Object getCannonObject(boolean broken_cannon) { if (cannonPosition == null) { RS2Object cannon = (RS2Object)objects.closest(new int[] { broken_cannon ? '㩄' : 6 }); if (cannon != null) { cannonPosition = cannon.getPosition(); } return cannon; } for (RS2Object obj : objects.get(cannonPosition.getX(), cannonPosition.getY())) { if (broken_cannon) { if (obj.getId() == 14916) { return obj; } } else if (obj.getId() == 6) { return obj; } } return null; } private void handleBoosts() throws InterruptedException { for (RS2Object obj : objects.getAll()) { if (obj != null) { if (obj.hasAction(new String[] { "Activate" })) { String name = obj.getName().toLowerCase(); if ((name.contains("zapper")) || (name.contains("recurrent")) || (name.contains("power"))) { status_string = "Activate Nightmare Zone Boost"; if (random(5) == 1) { camera.toEntity(obj); } else if (random(10) == 2) { camera.moveYaw(random(180)); } obj.interact(new String[] { "Activate" }); sleep(200L); while (myPlayer().isMoving()) { sleep(500L); } } } } } } private boolean statBoostNeeded() { for (Skill skill : melee_combat_stats) { if (getSkills().getDynamic(skill) == getSkills().getStatic(skill)) { return true; } } return false; } private void handleSafeSpot() { if ((preferences.getSafeSpotPosition() != null) && (!myPlayer().getPosition().equals(preferences.getSafeSpotPosition())) && (myPlayer().isHitBarVisible())) { status_string = "Safe-spot setup.."; WalkingEvent ev = new WalkingEvent(preferences.getSafeSpotPosition()); ev.setMinDistanceThreshold(1); ev.setBreakCondition(new org.osbot.rs07.utility.Condition() { public boolean evaluate() { return !myPlayer().isHitBarVisible(); } }); execute(ev); } } private ScriptStatus getStatus() { if ((dialogues.isPendingContinuation()) || (dialogues.isPendingOption())) { return ScriptStatus.CLOSE_DIALOGUE; } if (random(45) == 5) { return ScriptStatus.ANTIBAN; } if (preferences.useDwarfCannon()) { if (inventory.contains(new int[] { 12 })) if (inventory.contains(new int[] { 6 })) if (inventory.contains(new int[] { 8 })) { if (inventory.contains(new int[] { 10 })) { return ScriptStatus.SETUP_CANNON; } } if (repairCannon()) { return ScriptStatus.REPAIR_CANNON; } if ((!fire_cannon) && (cannon_timer.elapsed(15000L)) && (random(30) == 1)) { cannon_timer.reset(); } if (fire_cannon) { if (inventory.getAmount(new int[] { 2 }) <= 0L) { return ScriptStatus.PICKUP_CANNON; } return ScriptStatus.FIRE_CANNON; } } if ((myPlayer().isInteracting(target)) || (myPlayer().isUnderAttack())) { return ScriptStatus.FIGHTING; } Iterator localIterator2; label481: for (Iterator localIterator1 = groundItems.getAll().iterator(); localIterator1.hasNext(); localIterator2.hasNext()) { GroundItem d = (GroundItem)localIterator1.next(); if ((!d.exists()) || (!d.isOnScreen()) || (!d.isVisible()) || (!map.canReach(d))) { break label481; } localIterator2 = preferences.getLoot().iterator(); continue;String itemName = (String)localIterator2.next(); if (d.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(itemName)) { if (inventory.isFull()) { if (stackable(d.getDefinition())) { if (!inventory.contains(new int[] { d.getId() })) {} } } else if ((!preferences.pickupAmmunition()) || (d.getId() != ammunition_id) || (d.getAmount() >= 3)) { if ((!preferences.lootAndBuryBones()) || (d.getId() != 526) || (d.getPosition().distance(myPosition()) <= 1)) { if (d.getPosition().distance(myPosition()) <= 4) { item_pickup = d; return ScriptStatus.PICKING_UP_LOOT; } } } } } if ((target == null) || (target.getHealthPercent() <= 0)) { return ScriptStatus.FIND_TARGET; } return ScriptStatus.ATTACK_TARGET; } private static enum ScriptStatus { AWAIT_GUI_INPUT, CLOSE_DIALOGUE, ANTIBAN, FIND_TARGET, ATTACK_TARGET, FIGHTING, PICKING_UP_LOOT, SETUP_CANNON, FIRE_CANNON, PICKUP_CANNON, REPAIR_CANNON; } private final String insertCommasToNumber(String number) { return insertCommasToNumber(number.substring(0, number.length() - 3)) + "," + number.substring(number.length() - 3, number.length()); } private final String getRuntimeFormat(long totalPlayTime) { int sec = (int)(totalPlayTime / 1000L);int h = sec / 3600;int m = sec / 60 % 60;int s = sec % 60; return (h < 10 ? "0" + h : Integer.valueOf(h)) + ":" + (m < 10 ? "0" + m : Integer.valueOf(m)) + ":" + (s < 10 ? "0" + s : Integer.valueOf(s)); } private final String timeTolevel(long duration) { String res = ""; long days = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toDays(duration); long hours = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toHours(duration) - TimeUnit.DAYS.toHours(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toDays(duration)); long minutes = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toMinutes(duration) - TimeUnit.HOURS.toMinutes(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS .toHours(duration)); long seconds = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(duration) - TimeUnit.MINUTES.toSeconds(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS .toMinutes(duration)); if (days == 0L) { res = hours + ":" + minutes + ":" + seconds; } else { res = days + ":" + hours + ":" + minutes + ":" + seconds; } return res; } public boolean stackable(ItemDefinition def) { String name = def.getName().toLowerCase(); if ((name.endsWith(" arrow")) || (name.endsWith(" bolts")) || (name.endsWith(" rune"))) { return true; } if (def.isNoted()) { return true; } return false; } }
  7. will check right now edit: nope, only 1 script
  8. Sure I will! but I'm training combat right now thanks you sir
  9. the thing is that I did it. I would be so happy if you could help me bro edit: that's the script I'm trying to fix. The script fails when it gets on random antiban number 6. I ddecompiled the jar, fixed on eclipse, compiled back and still don't show
  10. the problem itself is not a code problem the script get frozen when the random number(1-9) get a 6, this active the antiban number 6 wich trigg the script and make it freeze. I fixed it so easy, removing the line itself so nothing will happen. but the script just don't show up and ofc i deleted the previous one
  11. what you mean with readd edit: if you mean lead, bro I already did
  12. i'll be short. there is a script that won't get updated cuz the owner don't play anymore and don't come to the forum. The script works but fails in a exact momment and i figured it out. so i tried to decopile it and re-copile it back fixing the error but now the script don't show in the script selector if someone could explain me if i did something wrong or explain me how to correctly fix the problem i would be very happy and would post the script
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