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  1. i think knights stop working for me when i changed the stun timer. i left it this time and it works fine, but now the stun timer is non existent and is just constantly clicking
  2. i'm not sure why but this script never seems to work when i try to pickpocket knights of ardougne. It occasionally doesn't work with other things but thats usually after an update and fix soon after, but knights haven't worked for me in ages. once the script starts up it just freezes on the xp saying calculating and the mouse never moves
  3. i ran this script of master farmer in draynor and it keeps trying to pickpocket despite having full inventory of seeds. is there an option to choose what seeds to drop that i'm missing? other than that it seems great
  4. Yesterday script worked fine. today it starts up but just sits completely afk, but the second i log out it tries to log me back in and just afk again
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