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Posts posted by kendostick70

  1. how do i make the overlay show up again? It seems to disapear when i move it from 1 screen to another or do anything


    edit: confirmed dragging OSBot from one screen to another removes the bots overlay, how strange.

  2. Oh eagle, when bot logs back in after logging out due to a random or ????? it cant reopen house portal and start back again?


    this is bot log:


    [INFO][Bot #1][06/30 08:23:28 PM]: Loaded 5 built-in random solvers!
    [INFO][Bot #1][06/30 09:13:22 PM]: Started random solver : Auto Login
    [INFO][Bot #1][06/30 09:13:29 PM]: Random solver exited : Auto Login
    [INFO][Bot #1][06/30 09:13:32 PM]: Script AIO Construction has paused!
    [INFO][Bot #1][06/30 09:14:05 PM]: Terminating script AIO Construction...
    [INFO][Bot #1][06/30 09:14:05 PM]: Script AIO Construction has exited!
    [INFO][Bot #1][06/30 09:16:46 PM]: Loaded 5 built-in random solvers!


    couldnt get a gif as i caught it just after it occured, seems to happen every few hours for me.

  3. Hey, i notice sometimes during the removing oak larder phase, it will misclick then idle til i manually fix it, has happened about 4 times during my usage so far from 33-80 con

  4. wow, seems using this is worse xp/hr doing oak dungeon doors compared to oak larders, wtf.

    I know why you do it like this, but damn, its so inefficient. Faster methods for xp at the same price are eclipsed by lower level methods. Crazy to me. Any way to implement a control to speed up the process/change how it operates for people with low latency?

  5. 13 minutes ago, Eagle Scripts said:

    This is needed to avoid problems such as lagg and latency.

    We're botting an online game which means that variables such as lagg and latency can occur.

    To write the butler support in such a robust way that it can pick up after the slightest lagg and/or latency, it has to wait for the butler to be back.

    Doesnt this increase ban rates? I pay for good internet with low latency to avoid poor connections for this reason. Just wanna know if it actually does mean increased banrates. Id move to another client/script if so.


    for example, when i did it manually i got 290-300k xp/hr and the bot gets 180kxp/hr


    sorry, don't wanna sound like a douche, been banned from botting on almost all clients, so I'm more careful now.

  6. anyone got any type of banrate on this? hate to do 83 con lol

    oh, question, why does it grab 24 planks, then wZait before building oak larders, til the demon butler comes back? Extremely weird


    it does this orderL Get logs from butler, build, destroy, build, destroy, build, destroy,  talk to butler -n get 24 planks, wait til butler comes back a second time, then start building ... it waits til butler is back when you have a full inv load.


    sorry if unclear: it gets its load of planks, then waits, gets another load started from butler, than it starts building.

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