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Posts posted by kendostick70

  1. Seems to be double pressing magic imbue or something? (on a 4ms ping world) when it clicks imbue  chat says you are already imbued? Any idea why this is. 


     Not sure if glitch in game or script, doesnt seem to be double clicking as i see it click once only, and the imbue runs out after a few secs... odd

  2. Can NPC contact to repair pouches be done as the pouch breaks ? rather than standing there doing it after the bot crafts the runes (with less essence) in whatever spot they teleport to (before heading back to the bank)

  3. would it be quicker (or more human like)  to have the bot close the bank, fill each pouch with a left click, reopen and grab more essence, opposed to right click fill 2-3 times for each pouch while keeping bank open? 

  4. 18 hours ago, Khaleesi said:

    EDIT: changed the timer slightly, should be better now

    Seems to still be doing it, here is an image https://i.vgy.me/6QUise.png


    to be fair im on a UK server from Australia, its probably more like 220+ms ping lol, just feels a bit safer with more players around. 


    Also, someone throwing snowballs at me stopped your script from selecting glass blowing options, it just did nothing.

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  5. think you could increase the delay when selecting to glassblow (clicking pipe then selecting) slightly as on worlds above 100ping it will try to click the pipe again, but already select the item to craft and so the pipe sits there clicked and needs to be unclicked after finishing the inventory. Only need a slightly increase in delay.

    The bot does handle it, but it looks pretty bad to be doing 80% of the time.

  6. 4 hours ago, Czar said:

    I just got another 85 thieving on an account (plan on doing elves), and what worked best for me was: 1.5 hrs botted, 2-2.5 hrs breaked. I know this isn't what everyone likes to hear, but I prefer safer botting so I avoid bans xD

    Trials authed enjoy gl guys :D Remember pickpocketing > stalls always. Pickpocketing is inherently safer (and more unpredictable) due to being caught/stunned.

    Cheers, been doing few hours every other night, pickpocketing, great script though osbot seems to crash randomly for me, even though CPU usage is low and RAM is fine. Oh well 

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  7. Any ideas on banrate? I've used a few of your scripts in the past with zero ban issues, been off months now though. Wondering if detection has gone up or anything if you know. Thanks for the awesome scripts.

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  8. spam clicks the F7 spot you get in Fally extended mine when using the 3 iron ore spot, when it banks (fine) it clicks minimap to return to the spot, and clicks 5-6 times while traveling, seems extremely bot like.

    Edit: if this isnt fixable, is a refund possible?

  9. Seeing some bugs since RS update, it blows glass til finished then just freezes.  Status is: blowing orb


    EDIT: After stopping and restarting script it doesnt progress past the setting up script status after i click start.


    EDIT2: Disabling the option to logout when supplies are gone seemed to get it working again after clicking start, every other setting the same.


    non mirror mode.

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