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Everything posted by CandyFlipping

  1. Thanks for all the responses. I was pretty good with trying to prevent ban rates by being trying to look as human as possible. I talked occasionally and babysitted the bot anytime that it was running and didn't run any one longer than an hour and half. I've been banned before, so maybe some slight suspicious behavior would set off a 2 day ban. I just wondered because i've heard that they evaluate an account during the 2 days to see if it's perma ban worthy before they drop the hammer.
  2. Does that mean i'm fucked? Used APA Den Cooker, APA auto alcher, not recently, CMultitheiver, CW Fletcher, Woodys Firemaker, TC's Agility, MacroKiller, Cannonball Smelter, MbabyGDK, PolyTP Trialed Perfect Miner and Perfect blast furnace
  3. Sorry I didn't really give any explanation.. What I meant was the events like the Sandwich lady or the drill instructor. Regardless of whatever script is playing, the bot will ignore the randoms like they're not even there. I always thought that the bots were suppose to talk to the event person and dismiss them or do whatever they ask before going back to the task.
  4. It doesn't seem to matter which script i'm running because the bot will ignore the random event. Is there a setting i'm not enabling or something?
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