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Everything posted by Consulti

  1. Yeah, but anyway, I guess there's no easy way for that currently. Regarding rsbuddy, I really thought they were the most reliable due to ge-tracker using their system? Thanks for letting me know.
  2. We wanna animate the item like zoom in/out, check specific details but for that, the image needs to be big and in HD, the icon currently offered are too small for that. The file size is not a big deal since we won't load it all at once, just the 4k tradeable item and the user would have access 1 by 1. Thanks for the price suggestion, is https://rsbuddy.com/exchange/summary.json still reliable?
  3. So, you are getting item ID from osrsbox, item image from rsbuddy, if tradeable or not and G.E limits but where does the G.E price come from? Also, the item image is just the icon wanted to get a high quality one like this: https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/images/thumb/3/30/Abyssal_whip_detail.png/800px-Abyssal_whip_detail.png?70893
  4. Hello everyone, I'd like to revive this topic as me and some friends are getting back to this idea to play around. Unfortunately, the reddit post provided by Apaec is a bit outdated, is there any other suggestion available at the moment? I'm trying to get high quality images of each item, like the ones provided by https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/ and a valid G.E API to fetch the prices, so the problem here is: Finding the items database; Link them to a valid website with images that we can download; G.E value of each one of these items. Do you have any suggestion for that?
  5. Fair enough. I was expecting rsbuddy to be quite popular and reliable since everyone suggests to use that instead! Thanks for the help guys, will take a look on the reddit post suggested by @Apaec
  6. Hello everyone , I'm currently working on a project and I'm having a hard time finding an update G.E API for osrs that contains the product image so I can have both updated value and image for my website, do you guys have any idea where I can get both? For the G.E API, I'm using the one provided by rsbuddy (open for better suggestions) and for the item image, I'd need to make a call to get the item icon from services.runescape Do you guys have any suggestion to make this process easier?
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